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Elementary School Education

Free educational options designed for younger students to creatively engage them to build their understanding and develop the skills on how to address and prevent bullying.

Slideshow, Quiz, and Quick Guides

Provide students with an overview of the dynamics of bullying prevention including definition, roles, important facts, and ideas on how to handle bullying situations.

30 - 60 Minute Lesson Plan:
Elementary School, Introduction to the dynamics of bullying

Share the website as a resource tool in your classroom. This lesson plan provides an overview about what bullying is, the roles students have, and what they can do when in a bullying situation.

Week Long Education: 5 lesson plans
Elementary School, Starting the Discussion

Initiate ongoing discussion in the classroom about bullying prevention. These 5 lesson plan feature downloads of daily education, activities, and games.

Year long Toolkit: 32 lesson plans
All In

Create environments, through year-long bullying prevention education, in which every student is included, involved, and invested in preventing and addressing bullying through instruction, engagement, and peer interaction.