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Personal experience inspires music video

Posted: 6/14/2018

"Imma Listen" is a music video created by Taylor Zank. The inspiration to create the project came from his personal experience. The video briefly portrays the life of Simmie, a student dealing with a rough emotional situation, both at home and at school. After being bullied by other kids, the student tries to talk to his father about the difficulty he is experiencing, but his father isn't willing to hear about it and brushes him off. The following day, a teacher notices Simmie in the hallway looking obviously distraught and takes the time to pull him aside and figure out what’s going on. After having a chance to express what he was going through to an adult figure and talk it out with the teacher, Simmie returns to school with a newfound confidence, and uses what he learned from the situation to help another student who is dealing with a similar experience. The video is meant to compel adults and students alike to reach out to those that we notice are clearly dealing with something, even if we don't know them, and let them know that we are there for them and that they are not alone.

Discussion questions accompany this video.

By: Anonymous