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Bring It Up To The World!

Posted: 12/30/2011

Hi, my name is Aleisha. I am now 14 and have been bullied since I was a little girl at age 7 or 8.

The bullying still continues.

Boys and girls my age and older pick on me about my weight, how I dress, who I hang out with, etc.. They just tease me about the smallest things. I hide from it. I still go to school but I try to avoid seeing or going near the girls and boys that bully me. When they bully me they call me fat, stinky, emo, cutter, useless, lesbian, bisexual, lard a**, piggy, twin towers, and a lot more... they make noises at me, push me, laugh at me, and then involve more people and get a whole group out on me. They take away my friends. I always ask what do I do to them?

My sister used to go to counseling about her mom. I would go with her with my mom and watch. I never liked going or the thought of going. I've told my mom a couple times about my bullying problem. She advices me to go to counseling. I deny the offer. After watching what my sister went through I didn't want to go. I still don't want to go. I see the pain in my mom's eyes as she watches me get hurt but I can't do anything to stop or at least I thought. We tried ever since I was younger to go and tell the school principle and the teachers. It don't help or make it stop.

I get threatened if I tell someone. I believe everything they say is true and I hate myself for it. One day I got really fed up with it and cut myself. After that I never done it again. Sometimes I think about it but I search on the internet and look at Demi. She is my role model and my biggest fan. Everytime I look at her or watch her videos or listen to her songs I forget about it and I forget about the world. Someday when im bullied ill hold it in for so long then I just break down and cry. Sometimes I feel like running out of the classroom to get away from it but I'm to afraid that I'll get in trouble by my teachers. To this day I cry almost everynight because of bullying. Its hard because you basically loose everything. I have recently found to conclusion that my cousin is a bully towards me. I always thought she was joking around but now she does it so much it hurts and I'm afraid that if I bring it up to her she will hate me.

I only have 2 real friends and they help me. They stick up for me but afterwards I tell them not to bother because then they will get bullied too. They always disagree and say that they don't care and still defend me and I love them for that. The 2 of them are the only ones that know most of my secrets except a few. They help me but I still cry and feel like what the bullies call me.

The saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" I don't believe in that saying because words do hurt. They tear you to shreds. My mom tells me to ignore them, that's the key. But it's hard to ignore them. How do you ignore someone whos constantly bullying you. Every minute every second every hour every day?

Bullying is hard and sometimes is and isn't to prevent. The best thing to do is go tell some. Make it public. Bring it up to the world. I know I will because soon I will be going to try out for the tv show Americas Got talent. And I need the most confidence I can get. Bullying may seem wrong to some people. I will tell you something right now. It IS wrong. Stop it. Stand up and tell them it's not okay to bully. Stand up for the person being bullied. Don't go a join the bullies. The bullies may be your friends. Don't be afraid to be against them then they will realize they lost an amazing friends. That they lost you. If you are being bullied and it won't stop. Go and tell. Take it to court. In some states bullying and cyber bullying is illegal. If its not illegal in your state suggest it and see if they will prevent that. And more than likely they will. I have been bullied my whole life and haven't really done anything to stop it but that don't mean you should follow what I or many others do. In all do not forget to BE YOURSELF NOT WHAT OTHERS WANT YOU TO BE!

By: Aleisha

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I Don't Think I Can Ever Go Back

Posted: 12/30/2011

I know people say that words shouldn't hurt you and that words can't hurt. But in reality. They do. Bullying has always been an interesting topic to me... It's one of those topics that you think, "OH, NO. THAT'LL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME.", but in reality, it is happening to you. Even if you and your friends are just joking around, it's not nice to call someone out of their name or call them ugly. This story, my story, is about being the bully and the victim.

When I was younger. I use to get bullied a lot. I didn't realize it was bullying. I used to be so sensitive. Whenever someone would say something about me, I'd cry... and it'd stay on my mind all day. I used to get called ugly, too skinny, a cry baby, and so many other things... But I was younger, so of course it hurt me.

As I got older, I learned the definition of bullying. What bullying is. 4th & 5th grade were the years where the bullying kind of intense. I was called ugly a lot. I was still being called a "cry baby" even though I didn't cry or tell. I kept my feelings bottled up. I remember one day after school when I was in 5th grade there was this girl named Trinity. She was rude. She expected everybody to like her and she acted like just she was the boss. Top notch. She said something to me that just fully set me off. I said some really mean things to her and my classmates were laughing. She was saying some mean things too but I guess they were tired of hearing the same old things from her. We both got suspended from after school because it got to the point where we were threatening each other. I was so sick of everybody's bs, that I actually let what she said get to me. In 6th grade, her and I fought a lot. I knew I was better off not being her friend but the fact that she just kept assuming we were friends affected me. She transferred. She doesn't go to my school anymore.

In 6th grade, my insecurities started to manifest me. It got to the point where I would push people away. I liked a guy. He was real cool and all even though he was a player. He was one of my closest friends. He still is actually. But I said some pretty mean things to him that I regret. When he started to like me, I pushed him away. Then he went on to dating both of my best friends causing our relationships to fall apart. But now we're all good friends. We're closer than we were before. But I don't think he'll ever understand that what I said to him, I didn't mean. Now we're cool with each other, nice to each other, and honest with each other. No we're not in a relationship. We're just friends. He's the only thing keeping me simmered down right now. 

I use to consider cutting. Then when I got to 7th grade, I did exactly that. The pressure of everyone pushed me off the first cliff. I decided to look up self-harm. I already knew what it was. But I discovered that self-harm comes in more than one form. It can be hair pulling, scab picking, cutting, and so many other things. Those three forms of self harm, are the ones that I do.

I look up to Demi Lovato. She's been through a lot. Every time I watch an interview or a video that someone took at one of her concerts, I realize how amazing she is. She is my role model. She is a great role model. She even said herself that she doesn't want girls growing up looking up to a model type figure because that's what she looked up to and that's how she wanted to look. She tells everybody that they're perfect the way they are, no matter what.

I believe I'm bipolar. I know that I'm bipolar... and I'm only this way because of the things that were said and done to me. But, all of it made me the person than I am today. So the lesson here, even though it doesn't seem like it, is think before you speak. Words hurt. Words affect. Words kill. Words are what killed the girl I use to be . . . and I don't think I can ever go back to that little girl who was always happy.

By: Anieya

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Posted: 12/20/2011

Teachers used to always say if you're picked on and someone calls you names just tell them, "Stick and stones may break my back but words will never hurt me." But, it's actually false. Teaching children that type of a saying will only teach the children to learn violence and how does the teacher even know for sure that the student isn't really mentally damaged because of those cruel rumors spread about them? What if those rumors were the cause of the shyness, the loneliness and the feelings of actually believing the lies? Teachers are trying to teach the child, get them ready for the future, get them to know the feeling of reality, but when the student finally connects two and two, the student is told that tattling isn't good.

Not only is bullying an epidemic but it also seems to be spreading all over, even on the internet. Cyber bullying occurs when students get social network systems by which others can add them and go through their things. First they pretend to be your friends and once they're close enough to you, they know your secrets and they tell the world, or if not that then, they spread rumors about you. Rumors can hurt.

By: Yang

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Posted: 12/20/2011

I believe that bullying is a never ending nightmare for students like, which is why we need stand up for ourselves because we don't deserve to be treated like we are nothing but a waste of space. I believe this because when I was in high school, one of my classmates spoke to me in a really rude way, judging my height. And of course, I was really offended, so I fired back with a very judgmental comment about him. I think that he got offended too so he just replied back: "Gosh I was just playing around." How would I know that? I stood up to him, but I was also being rude back too. Then, I didn't know what the right way to handle it was. I lived in a poor area and also went to a poor school too, so there aren't that many role models to look up to.

By: Kou

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Posted: 12/20/2011

A baby’s mind is born like a white piece of paper that has nothing written on it. During the growing up process, kids are learning and discovering about themselves. However, most of the bullying happens when kids are growing up. Because of this, they will not be able find out what are their strengths and weaknesses are because all they looking for is security. They will not be comfortable going out there discovering themselves because someone else discovered them first. Being bullied causes victims’ identity and values a mystery. If victims are unable to find out who they are, they would not know what they want to do in the future, they do not have the confidence to do many things and they will not be ready to be in the real world. Therefore, bullying is causing victims to hide under their shell and victims cannot feel important in the real world. People need to stop ignoring this horrifying act.

By: Jenny

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Posted: 12/20/2011

Many people out there do not believe bullying is a problem because they have never been in that situation before. Something that makes people feel sad or puts someone down should never be allowed. I have seen bullying in person before, and it is something that I hate a lot. My friend was getting made fun of, and the bully kept saying bad things about him. My friend had tears coming from his eyes, and it just saddens me to see such a thing. My friend and I decided to do something about it so that I would never have to see my friend like that ever again. When the bully was picking on our friend again, this time we would step in and stop him. We stood up to that bully and told him that if he did not stop we would tell on him. Ever since that day, when we stopped the bully from making fun of my friend, he never once did it again. I was able to help a friend in need, and that makes me happy to know that I did something great to change someone’s life. Do not just sit around while your friends get hurt, but do something about it. Any person can make a difference on the issue of bullying.

By: Steve

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Posted: 12/20/2011

Bullying a person can be fatal; suicidal thoughts. When a person gets their feelings hurt, they go under depression and feel they are worthless, and this leads them wanting to suicide themselves just because they do not feel accepted by others. One thing that teachers can do is immediately call the bully’s parents and get them suspended for a few days. As a community the best thing to do is to respect others.

By: Clemencia

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Posted: 12/20/2011

I believe that schools, parents and students should do more to prevent and stop bullying. Schools should involve more anti-bullying activities in all schools, especially in small or poor schools. In neither of my middle or high school I heard or saw any anti-bullying activities or lectures.

I believe that anti-bullying activities such as Bullying Awareness Week, anti-bullying lectures, inviting speakers and teaching students how to be brave enough to stand up for themselves or for victims during bullying should be involved in every school. Also, teachers should make closer connections with their students so students would feel free to talk to the teacher about being bullied. Students should stand up for someone who has being bullied, by standing up for the victim and criticizing bully by telling that they are wrong.

By: Viktoriya

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Posted: 12/20/2011

"Do you know what bullying is?" My nephew asked. I was in shock to know that a 3 years old kid had asked me about that. If you are a victim and you are reading this don’t think that you are the only one that is going through this, I did, and many others do. I thought I was not worthless for anyone, and I actually thought about suicide. I had a “Friend” that would always tell me that I was ugly, that the guys only looked at her, that I was fat, and that I needed to stop smiling.

She would always miss treat me and make me do things for her and if I didn’t do it she would yell at me, hit me, and embarrass me in front of others. One day I told her that I liked a guy and she told me that he already asked her out to make me feel bad. I panicked and felt like no one would ever need me and started to think about suicide. I now realize that if my nephew had not asked me about it, I would have done something stupid. There is someone out there that cares about us and if we do something stupid, we will hurt them really bad.

By: Yarima

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Posted: 12/20/2011

The effects of bullying can cause victims to be socially alone and make them fear the world around them. The individuals who are bullied in our society will be so mentally and physically damaged that without help, they won’t be able to move on with their lives. The things said or done to them will haunt them. They will learn that the world is a fearful place. To prevent bullying in society, we all must be more aware and active when we see someone in our community getting bullied. It may seem as if it is not our responsibility, but it is.

By: Jenny

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