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Students and Young Adults


In Students and Young Adults, you will find information to help you to develop self-advocacy skills and gain a better understanding of how you can more effectively participate to increase your success in the classroom, at home, and in the community. By understanding your disability and its impact on your everyday life, you have a better chance of improving your life and accessing the systems of care that serve you.

  • Learn how to take care of yourself!
  • Learn how to share information about what helps you!
  • Learn how to be a leader for other youth who, like you, would benefit from support and help.

“All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”  Walt Disney

PACER Programs for You

Transitioning to Life After High School

If you are a student or young adult with a disability, and you are starting to think a lot more about your future, you have come to the right place! Do you want to get more education after high school? Do you want to work? Where do you want to live? Do you want to learn to drive, or learn to ride the public buses and trains? Do you want to have people in your life to help you take care of your health or finances? And what do you want to do in your free time? The videos and other resources here will help you with these questions, and they were all made by, with, or for young people with disabilities like yourself.


EX.I.T.E. Camp is to empower middle school girls in the fields of math, science, and engineering. EX.I.T.E. Camp provides a safe and supported environment for hands-on learning as well as a place to meet new friends and create lasting memories.

Summer Recreation, Sports and Camps

There are many sports, social and recreation opportunities available in the community for children and young adults with disabilities and their families. These are some of the programs available.

Fun Times

Fun Times is a volunteer, social program that connects teens and young adults with and without disabilities.