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Posted: 5/3/2011

I was born with Cerebral Palsy that only affected the right side of my body. I can walk, talk, run, write and read on my own. I feel like any other almost fourteen year old girl. In my old neighborhood, the kids knew me well, they never judged me.

When I was seven, I moved. They kids called me things like "The Creeper" or even "It". We had a special language class, we learned the native language. The teacher would always fail me because I couldn't pronounce the words. The kids would mock me for this, saying this like "I don't speak Chinese, Creeper". When I was in gym, some boys would throw their shoes at my face and claim it was an "accident". Then, a boy pushed me into a small creek after school, which was covered in ice. If my friend wasn't there, I might have died because back then, I couldn't swim.



Students with disabilities are often bullied because of the characteristics of their disability, which is NOT something that can be changed. Take the chance to get to know someone who is different from you, you will be glad you did.