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Posted: 5/3/2011

I have been bullied for a long time. They would make fun of me, take my things, and hurt me. One day a girl came and pushed me down in the bathroom. If i had hit my head any harder, I would have gotten a concusion. After all the bullying to me and my friends, our school started a W.H.Y. program to stop bulling. It stands for We Help You, and ever since we started the program, almost no one has been bullyed. I never told I was being bullyed, but after I did, Im glad I did. What you should do is stand up to them and tell teachers and parents. It helped me, I hope it helps you.

By: Alyssa P.

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If you are being bullied, you deserve to be safe. Don't be silent, talk with someone about it. You don't need to go through this alone.

Laura's Story

Posted: 4/18/2011

I was teased terribly all through school, beginning in third grade. I remember being humiliated in front of my friends. In forth grade, the students began to call me, "robot." Because I have aspergers syndrome(which I did not know about back then), I walk stiffly and I do not move my arms when I walk. This is why the other kids thought I looked like a robot when I walk. One time when I was at my brother's baseball game, one of the kids said, "look, there's the robot." He started imitating the way I walk. My mom was with me and saw the whole thing. She pulled the boy aside and told him that it was not nice to call people names and that he should stop.

The worst teasing happened in fifth grade. I remember one cold day after lunch, I was about to go out to recess. I was standing by the door and I saw the kids all gathered there waiting for me and calling out my name. I knew that something awful was about to happen, but I did not know what. I went into the bathroom for a few minutes and thought about what to do. There was a paraprofessional standing right by the door and I thought about telling her that something was going to happen to me, but I was too embarrassed.

I walked out the door. All of the other kids held hands and formed a ring around me and would not let me out. They walked around in a circle and said a lot of hurtful comments, which I do not remember. Then they began kicking me. Somehow I broke loose. Every day at recess, I would try to run away from them so that they would not do this. I would hide on the playground somewhere, but I was never safe. They would always find me. When they did find me they would say mean comments and began kicking me just like they did that first day.

I moved from school to school, trying to avoid being teased, but I was never able to get away from it. By high school, I had no self-esteem left at all. I would walk through the halls with my head down, afraid to look at anyone or talk to anyone. I remember these two boys in high school who would prey on this. They would come up behind me and scream in my ear. I would get scared and drop all of my books, spill my lunch, or whatever and the other kids would laugh.

School was miserable for me. I think something dramatic needs to be done to prevent bullying. I feel very strongly about this. The sad thing is, these kids probably do not even realize what an impact their comments and actions had on me. They do not realize what they did to me. I also think that teachers need to incorporate more about bullying into their daily curriculum. They need to educate the students on how to treat each other.

By: Laura

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Verbal Bullying

Posted: 4/18/2011

Girls get bullied verbally more than physically. Girls bully in a way that can tear down another person’s confidence. Also, girls sometimes don’t do it to the other girls face, by texting or the computer with IM. This is even worse because you can’t really hear the voice and know what they are saying or thinking. Many girls spread rumors that aren’t true about the other person

By: Anonymous

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Bullying Is…

Posted: 4/18/2011

Bullying can be many different things. I think mostly when girls bully each other it’s more verbal rather than physical. When I think of girls bullying each other, the bullying I’ve seen is more that girls ignore each other. Sometimes it may be that a group of girls exclude one girl intentionally. Girls also spread rumors that they know aren’t true about another girl. They also sometimes talk about other girls behind their backs.

By: Anonymous

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Posted: 4/18/2011

I think the worst type of being mean is gossip like where somebody gets mad at you because they heard that you said something (when you didn't) so they started a rumor and even when I tell her that I didn't do anything and they keep doing it.

By: Anonymous

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Bullying Is…

Posted: 4/18/2011

Walking down the hall and someone glares at you. You ask your BFF why she glared at you. Also bullying could be someone ditching or not hanging with you. Not paying attention to someone.

By: Anonymous

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Posted: 4/18/2011

Girls don’t physically bully, they mentally bully. They attack the girls’ weaknesses, and keep putting them down. I always hear girls talking behind each others back. Laughing or making fun of like the weird girl or making up mean rumors that aren’t true. They might not let someone hang out with them or let them and treat them horribly. Sometimes they boss others around because they think they are cooler than you.

By: Anonymous

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Posted: 4/18/2011

I think cliques are a big part of bullying within girls throughout middle school. Gossip is another thing that hurts people, along with rumors. Gossip and rumors are something that girls often start because they might be jealous of another girl, or they just decide to target a girl because they might not be “cool enough”. I think excluding other people is something that goes on as well. I think cliques, gossip, rumors, jealousy, and excluding are main forms of bullying among girls in middle school.

By: Anonymous

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I Am Unique

Posted: 4/18/2011

But people say,
That I'm one of them,
An everyday Plain Jane.

They lie, I know it,
Feel it,
See it.
It's on my IEP
My "Individual Education Plan".

I will give you a clue to help,
Mentally Challenged,
What? Still stumped?
Okay, fine, this is it…

By: Anonymous

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Bullying Feels…

Posted: 4/18/2011

Bullying is what you can't see,
Bullying, it hurts me.
Any form of bullying is very bad,
Bullying makes people sad.
Bullying, it hurts people, too,
Bullying, it makes people feel blue.
Bullying can drive people mad,
And cause them to do something very bad.
In some cases the people get hurt,
In other ones they just kick dirt.
Remember bullying makes people feel hated,
And you don't want to be the one frustrated.

By: Maxwell – Grade 6

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