Bullying prevention resources for K-12 youth, families, and educators
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Take the Pledge
Pledge to treat others with kindness and be more accepting and inclusive.
Kids Against Bullying
Innovative, educational website for elementary school students to learn, engage in activities, and be inspired to advocate for self and others.
Teens Against Bullying
A website created by and for middle and high school students, with ideas to address bullying, be heard, and lead change in an important social cause.
Questions Answered
You asked, we answered! Response options include images, 60-second snapshot, longer articles, video and poll.
Students With Disabilities
A comprehensive overview of addressing and preventing bullying and harassment of students with disabilities.
Free online, year round toolkit with a new classroom lesson each week! Create environments in which each student is INcluded, INvested and INvolved.
I Care Because
I care because I know someone who rencently commited suicide after being bullied. She was a great girl, who was always happy. She was cyber bullied until it was too late. Lastly, I was also bullied, I was called ugly, fat and other gross names and to this day, two years later, I'm still affected by it, it still hurts me. I think every teen should get involed with this great cause.
Miranda, 16, NY
i have been bullied and i know how bad it can make you feel
mat, 16, illinois
ig ot bullied and it really hurt my fellings but i learnrd a vauble lesson stand up for yourself and do'nt be afarid to talk to somone about it.
daniel, 15, colorado
I have been a victom of bulling and i was the bully i learnd that two rongs do not make a right. I knoew how much it hurts yet i did it because i tought getting back at them was right. I have been called fat ugly loser retarted and i have thought about doing things i was put on medication for a long lime to get my depression undercontrol i still some times struggle with it i want to help I know how it feels to be on both sides of the deal and it hurts to know i was that person. But i can make a difference with what i do i am proud of the way i am and i want people that are going through what i went through and are sitill going throught some times to know they are mnot alone. i want the world to change and i takes nore that just one person to change the world :) so join because we care.
Karah , 15, Cheboygan MI
I'm 6'-10" and weigh 300 pounds, but even I was bullied growing up. Older kids picked on me, so I picked on others. Looking back, what hurt the most was BEING a bully. Speak up. Reach Out. Be a friend.
Jim, 51, Tifton, GA
bullying is a sick thing none of use should be bullied i was bullied for haveing adhd and studering cant help it its how i am and none of us should have to go throgh all the things i went through i was bullied so bad i got everything from names to cyberbullying i was even pushed down a stair case i never had eny friends in school please dont be a bully if you know what it fell likes yo know what more then half the worlds populations of kids fell but if we all stand together we can put an end to bullying please HELP MAKE A DIFFERANCE
tabatha, 13, united states
Carmen’s Corner
A series of six educational videos designed for young audiences. It features characters from PACER’s Kids Against Bullying puppet program, highlights key concepts of bullying prevention, and promotes social-emotional learning. Educator guide and student worksheets accompany each video.
“What You Can Do”This 4-part handout series provides comprehensive information for students and adults about how to help someone who is experiencing bullying, as well as how to address bullying in the community.
Spanish Translations |
- Bullying Prevention 101, A Quick Guide:
- Bullying Prevention Slide Show and Quiz
- Notifying the School About Bullying — Using a Template Letter
- Student Action Plan Against Bullying + Guide for Using the Plan
- Common Views and Myths about Bullying
- What if Your Child Is the One Showing Bullying Behavior?
Support Kindness, Acceptance and Inclusion for All Students
Become a Champion Against Bullying
Join the hundreds of nonprofits, schools, and community groups that collaborate directly with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center by using and sharing our bullying prevention resources in their communities.
Survey Monkey Contributes to NBPC
Sign up and you will receive surveys by e-mail from SurveyMonkey customers who need your opinion. For every survey you take, SurveyMonkey will donate 50 cents to PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center, plus you'll get a chance to win $100 in an instant win game.