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A Group of Kids

Posted: 6/28/2013

Once when I was in the second grade a girl in my class formed a group that would make fun of me and my friends they used to call me names like stupid face, bug eyes , wimp, loser and they used to whisper to each other and say that I was useless and that I was not needed in life that group didn’t just make fun of me they made fun of all the girls in my class when they made fun of me I used to feel so rotten inside and feel that no one would understand if I told them so I tried so hard to ignore them but it didn’t help it made it worse I used to cry sometimes at night and used to hope that it would get better it did after I told the teacher.

See that shows a lot of bravery that if you tell someone it will get better trust me.

Hanan's Story

By: Hanan

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Be a Buddy . . . Not a Bully

Posted: 6/25/2013


We are Junior Girl Scout Troops. We are currently in 5th grade and just finished working on our Bronze Award. Our subject was bullying. Our slogan was, “Be a Buddy… Not a Bully.” We used your website as a guideline for our project.

We had a week-long event at our school. (Be a Buddy… Not a Bully week). Every day we would visit different classrooms from K- 3rd and do puppet shows, or skits and a presentation about bullying. Everyone in our school took a pledge and received a “Buddy” bracelet with our slogan. We also had an assembly presentation and did several skits. We also made a “quilt” that now hangs in the 5th grade hall as a reminder to all.

Every year our school has a Family Dance. The money raised always gets donated to a charity or cause. Because of our project it was decided that money would go to – Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center- this year. So THANK YOU for all the work that you do. We hope that in some way we have helped to make a difference.

Girl Scout Troops

By: Girl Scout Troops

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Marina V

Posted: 6/24/2013

My name is Marina V. I am a recording artist, singer and songwriter in Los Angeles. I grew up in Moscow, Russia, and came to America when I was 15. Since, I have toured the world and have been very lucky to do music for a living.

But before that, when I was a kid, I was bullied at school. That's one of the reasons I strongly feel what PACER is doing is incredibly important.It is nice to know you're not the only one going through something like this, and it's nice to know you can get help and support.

My song SPEAK is about believing in yourself. About not being afraid to be yourself. It's about standing up for who you are, no matter what people may say or think.

SPEAK on YouTube:
Twitter: @MarinaV
---- Plz take a sec to Like my FB page:)

By: Marina V

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Inspiring Girls

Posted: 6/24/2013

Inspiring Girls

By: Shaun Robinson

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Posted: 6/21/2013

Bullying was my inspiration to make poetry and I hope that my poetry influences at least one person to always stay strong.



kids didn't live through life but trust me they been through life so

here's to the kids who write because it's their only escape from this dreaded place we call earth — here's to the kids who get bullied every day but still are strong enough to express at least a little  mirth  — Here's to the kids who don't wear a size zero and are proud — here's to the kids who live in hell but their heads in the cloud — here's to the kids who hide their feelings like they don't exist — here's to the kids who relieve all  their pain just by cutting their wrists — here's to the kids that work so hard to impress someone that is never impressed with them — here's to the kids that think they are ugly but in reality they are as beautiful as a priceless gem — here's to the kids who try so hard to become what people want them to be

but don't worry child your life will get better I can guarantee 

Please step in my shoes 
And walk the life I am living 
And if you get as far as I am 
Just maybe you will see 
How strong I am 
BE . . .
The girl who who follows her heart instead of the trends 
The girl who stares at the stars instead of the tv 
The girl who reads Poems  instead of magazines 
The girl who wears sneakers instead of heels
The girl who looks at people's eyes instead of their clothes
The girl who wants to explore the world instead of just traveling the world
The girl who judges their personality instead of their closet 
The girl who would rather go to the  beach instead of the mall 
The girl who values trust instead jewelry 
The girl who ends rumors instead of starting them 
The girl who avoids gossip instead of listening to it  
If you have more friends
Doesn't make you any nicer 
If you have more clothes 
Doesn't make you prettier
If you have more money 
Doesn't make you have more value
When people say your fat it doesn't make them any skinnier 
When people say your dumb it doesn't make them any smarter 
When people say your immature doesn't make them mature
When people say you can't do it
Doesn't mean they can 

By: Eman

Permalink for HERE'S TO THE KIDS

Just Because

Posted: 6/21/2013

Just because I'm different
Doesn't mean I'm lame
Doesn't mean I'm trying hard to get a bit of fame

Just because I'm different
Doesn't mean I can't play
Doesn't mean that I can't hear the mean things that you say
Doesn't mean, in your belief, that I have to pay

Just because I'm different
Doesn't make it right
For you to make me cry myself to slumber every night

Just because I'm different -- Please be nice

By: Claire <3

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Ten-year-old Hanna Leads Two Bullying Prevention Resolutions

Posted: 6/19/2013

After dealing with bullying in and out of school, ten-year-old Hanna started A Community For Change on Facebook. She wants to make a positive difference in her community and in the lives of her peers.

On May 14, 2013, the Prospect Park Borough Council passed two bully-free resolutions which Hanna presented, making her hometown the state's first “bully-free community” and a “compassionate borough.” These same resolutions are being introduced in Tyrone Borough, PA. Hanna’s goal is to have every town in Pennsylvania to become bully-free and for every school district to reevaluate their procedures and implement bullying awareness programs. Hanna will be working with her school board in order to implement new district-wide policies and programs for the upcoming school year.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” are words she wants everyone to live by.


Read more about her story.

Resolution Passed! Watch the YouTube Video

Visit A Community For Change on Facebook

By: Anonymous

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End the Trend

Posted: 6/17/2013

My name is Alexis Water.

I am ten years old.

I was a victim of bullying.

I finally found the courage to stand up for myself and demand that the bully stop and that my school take action.

Fortunately for me the bullying did stop and my teachers were great at addressing the issue. But I realized others might not be as strong so I wanted to find a way to help them. With the encouragement of the city’s Law Director, Mr. Mike Minnear, and my mother, Laurie Howland, I asked the City of Milford, Ohio to become Upstanders and take a stand on bullying.

On May 21, 2013, I gave a presentation to the City Council. In my presentation I cited facts on bullying, reasons why it so harmful and ways everyone can help end the trend. Mr. Minnear then read the “Alexis Walter Anti-Bullying Resolution.” The City Council passed it unanimously. That night my presentation was featured on the evening news on channel WXIX-TV and in our local newspaper. They also interviewed my mom and I live on the air the next morning. My goal is to spread the word that we can End the Trend. To help with that goal, we turned to social media and created a Facebook page called “Become and Upstander and End the Trend.”

One million starts with one and if we can get one million people to become Upstanders then together we can end the trend.

By: Alexis

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Posted: 6/17/2013

I was 13 years old, when some of my classmates thought it would be pretty good, to make my life bad!

I was called many names in school, like fat cow, silly girl, ugly face-child. Some of them told other classmates, that I am violent and after a while I was one of the most hated school students.

Everyday I woke up, I hoped it  was all just a dream - but it wasn't it was the reality.

The whole thing went over 2 years until I couldn't go to school anymore. My grades went down and I was scared to not got my final school report.

Sometimes I sat down in my room, and didn't know what to do.

After that I changed school.
New pupils, new teachers. fine!
Now I've got quite good friends, maybe the best ones i've ever had in my life!
one of them is nearly my sister, 'cause she's always standing by my side in every kind of situation an I talked with her about all the things, my old class mates have done.

Though the time was so horrible, i think it made me who I am today (at least i've found some "hidden talents" and now, nobody would say, that I'm not worth to life).

Some schools, think they know nearly all about bullying and the effects but, they don't. They even don't know, how many pupils are bullied each day, how the feel and what the think!

I wish all the kids outside there, that they don't give up, even when they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Please, don't believe in lies, don't believe in persons who want to tear you down!


Even when it sounds quite unrealistic, talk to a person (it might be your sister, brother, mom, dad, grannie, an old friend you believe in, good teacher,...) and ask him/ her for help!


By: Anonymous

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Deep Feeling

Posted: 6/17/2013

Do you know how hard it is to feel alone and feel un liked?

It's feel like your dying inside, that no matter how bad you try to be nice to people, your just no one. To feel like like you're just a stupid unwanted person. I may not have good grades or the perfect body, but why should I be judge so bad?

I'm sorry I'm not the captain of the cheerleader, but why should you say such bad words to me? I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you.  Having the most popular girl in school bully you is the worst feeling ever. Having everybody believe her rumors and bully me everyday and write things about me in the bathroom is the worst feeling ever. Feeling like no one believes you because she's so innocent looking. Everyone is looking at you like you are some kind of crazy person.

I've never felt pretty or good enough so why make me feel worse about myself? :/

Have you ever put yourself in my shoes? No.

So, why treat me like I'm trash? I feel like this would never stop and if it would, when would it stop? I think about killing myself to make everybody life easier, I wanna get out of here. I can't take this anymore. Thinking killing yourself is the only way of escape, Maybe it is? If not, what is? Please tell me.

Stop bullying me.

I'm just a normal person  like you. Getting attacked by everyone you know, even the people you think you can trust, hurts you.

Please stop bullying you don't know how bad it is to feel this pain inside. 

By: Danielle

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