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Special Education (IEP / 504)

IEP - Individualized Education Program

Understand the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and the importance of your participation in developing your child’s IEP. You are a required member of your child’s IEP team, and your ideas must always be considered in any decisions the IEP team makes.

Receiving the Results of Your Child’s Special Education Evaluation

The Evaluation Results Meeting will follow either an initial evaluation or a reevaluation. The initial or first evaluation determines whether a child meets state criteria for eligibility, and as a result, qualifies for special education and related services. Each reevaluation determines whether the child needs continuing special education services. In both cases, an evaluation plan is developed after discussion between school district staff and parents. The school must provide the parents with the evaluation results within 30 school days of the date the parents signed the consent to evaluate form.

Needs & Services Reviews

You are the expert on your child and an important member of your child’s IEP team. Your input makes a difference in developing an IEP with appropriate supports and services to help your child make meaningful progress. Sometimes, it feels overwhelming.

Here are tips and tools you can use to turn your questions and concerns into action. Your participation on your child’s IEP team matters. Use these resources to find your voice and advocate effectively for your child.