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My Story

Posted: 5/23/2011

I happen to have Asperger Syndrome. I like a quiet classroom because it helps me pay attention to the teacher. I am very interested in what the teacher is telling us and I find it extremely frustrating when the other kids are too noisy for me to hear and the teacher doesn't make them be quiet. I also like to collect sticks and bring them home, play pretend video games during recess and sing songs when I'm happy. I know I can't sing while I'm in the classroom.

Mom and Dad have taught me that would be disrespectful of the other kids trying to concentrate. But why are they allowed to talk? And why do they get away with teasing me about wanting to take a stick home when the teacher gave me permission to take it?

Why do I get in trouble when I tell adults what happened and they don't do anything, so I figure I have to make the mean kids stop myself and the mean kids don't get into trouble just because nobody SAW them be mean to me?

The BIGGEST thing for me would be if teachers would believe me and give the bullies consequences, instead of just me when I try to stick up for myself after I've told the teacher and nothing was done, so I feel like I have to take care of it myself. I just want to learn in class and have a few friends.
If someone doesn't like me, that's ok, just leave me alone then. But they don't have to be mean to me.

By: Anonymous

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Posted: 5/23/2011

A lot of the bullies in my school, don't even think they are bullies.

By: Anonymous

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9th Grade

Posted: 5/23/2011

The kids at school bullied me because I was either new, had more academic ability, was placed in higher-grade classes, or basically just because they wanted to start a fight. I didn't even know what the gossip, shoving, and prank calling were about half the time. It was a horrible time. 9th grade was the worst year of my life because of bullying.

By: Anonymous

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Faked Being Sick

Posted: 5/23/2011

Being Bullied has made me lose all self esteem and confidence. I faked being sick in order that I wouldn't have to go and see my bullies. No one should be made to feel like that as we are all meant to be unique however treated equally. I was brought up to belive that everyone was beautiful and should be treated equally. Then why did those girls feel the need to humiliate, insult and degrade me???

By: Anonymous

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Posted: 5/23/2011

When I first reported bullying, the school handed me a two page form to fill out. I handed it back because I have a learning disability and needed help to fill it out. They wouldn't offer assistance.

I endured months of bullying until my parents found out by accident. I still didn't tell them everything. They instructed me to report it and followed up for several days. When I still didn't my mom asked why and I told her about the report. She went with me the next day and they told her she couldn't help me with the report. She immediately found the principal and informed him that the policy prevented children with disabilities from having access to reporting incidents of bullying. She told him she was helping me with the form and that he needed to change his policy so that students with disabilities could take the form to their guidance counselor for assistance in filling it out. Make sure reporting procedures are accessible to everyone.

In special education classes there should be monthly discussions about bullying, what it is, what it looks like, how to get help and how to report. I need constant reminders and assistance with things like this because of my disability. Let me know that I can have assistance. In all classrooms teachers need to establish clear policies on how classmates are to be treated and these should also be revisited regularly.

Not one of my classrooms has ever had anything posted about bullying and intolerance of it. I think a visual reminder in all classrooms would be beneficial.

By: Anonymous

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I Just Want To Be Included

Posted: 5/23/2011

this girl i thought was my friend said i was a frizzy-haired bookworm. ever since then i have been so self concious about my hair and how i look. i don't kiss people for the heck of it. she called me a loser because i went to this popular hangout and she doen't go because she thinks it's stupid. my own bestfriends won't save me a seat at lunch and when they do they don't talk to me.they leave me out of stuff when they know im in the room. i'm bored and tried of staying home. it's boring and i'm alone. i have low self-esteem. the populars don't like me because i get straight a's (this quarter for the 1st time). i'm smart and i get called a nerd. i'm tried of all the name calling. in 6th grade there was a anti-(My name) group. it was awful. my school is filled with snobby kids tho. i've come to the point of wanting to cut myself. i never do. or never will. i just want to feel included.

By: Anonymous

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Class President

Posted: 5/23/2011

When I was in senior high, I was the class president. Since we are studying in a privates school, we presidents took our job seriously. I was running for the leadership award, but unfortunately I was bullied hard core by the "Coolies". When a teacher is inside the classroom they behave, but once the teacher is gone they would backstab me in front of the whole class. It hurts, because some of my classmates believe in my capabilities. So I went to the principal and talked to my mom aboout it, before i knew it they were so good to me.

By: Anonymous

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My Friend Turned On Me

Posted: 5/23/2011

My friend just got mad at me for no reason, and she took the popular girl and a bunch of other people and turned them against me. She and them sit in a circle and trash me all lunch and reccess. They steal my clothes. Glare at me. Make fake accounts on Facebook and harrass me. The teachers and my parents don't care. I'm alone and I have no idea why.

By: Anonymous

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Until It Happens to You

Posted: 5/23/2011

No one knows how life changing this is until you are the target of bullying

By: Anonymous

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My Disability

Posted: 5/23/2011

i get teased for my hearing aids

By: Anonymous

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