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Teens Respond to “I Care Because” Statement: Cyberbullying | PACERTalks About Bullying: Season 2, Episode 18

The “I Care Because” section features statements from individuals around the world, sharing why they care about bullying prevention. In this episode teens read and respond to a statements about cyberbullying, sharing their insight and advice.

I teach high school students and I have seen the damage that can be done to a person's life when bullying occurs. It may start as a joke but can escalate quickly. I work hard to build student's resilience, empathy and responsibility skills so that they are able to live their best life.

Martha - 37 - CA

i get bullied and i also defend my friends from her to. STAY SAFE:]

camielle - 10 - lyle mn

I was bullied and I know how it feels, so if you are being bullied, stay strong.

Joe - 12 - NC

 It is important to care about preventing bullying because it can lead to decreased morale, productivity, and overall satisfaction. No one should every have to endure this type of behavior please find someone to talk to. This is unacceptable for anyone any age to ever go through this alone. There are support groups and counselors that can also help you, so you don't feel alone. I pray for each and every one of you. As a young adult it happened to me as well.

Carole - 60 - Illinois


markus - 10 - florida

I used to be alone everyday in school and get repeatedly bullied and harassed all the time no one deserves to feel like that. so even now that I have a friend group I still try to include and be nice to everyone. and to anyone who is reading this that is struggling with bullying don't let them walk all over you and don't let what people say about you determine your self worth at the end of the day they're just as insecure and also get bullied.I promise there's people out there that will love and accept you for who you are just be paitent with God and the universe and know I care about you.

dbnjdbjz - 13 -

People make fun of me because my name is Jobob and it makes me cry and I wanna stop bullying for people who have it worse than me.

Jobob - 8 - CA

You deserve better than being bulled.I also have had been bulled as well. It is not right to be bulled or to bully.This website is good because it shows how to be to your bully.

Avery R. - 10 - TX

I care because I never want anyone to feel the way that I did.

Taquashia Brown - 24 - Davenport, Iowa

I don't like being bullied. I am always being bullied and that's only because I'm a ginger, my hight is 4-5" I think in middle school and my family is very poor. we live with my grandparents so bully's please stop. It makes people sad and I bet the bullies wouldn't like it either.

William - 11 - Florida

I know how it feels... People crush themselves inside, standing in the mirror, thinking about what other people are going to say about them. I have ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and other disorders I can't fix with the snap of A finger, and it hurts getting bullied because of these natural things that I've had  almost my entire life. Please, please tell someone if your getting bullied. People can't help you if they don't know what's wrong. Remember, your loved <3

Avery - 11 - United States, Indiana.

These days, along with the bullying problem, there are people in Korea who bully their friends in a similar way to labor exploitation. That's why I remember stopping it myself, and that's why I'm concerned about future development. 

Kimdonghyeon - 25 - Korea

ive been bullied for years and im sick of me and others going through this

Aiden - 12 - colorado

everyone should be treated equal. We're all human, and no one is worth more than the person next to them. We all have hopes and dreams that we want to achieve, and bullying someone won't get you closer to your goal, it'll only make someone else's day worse.

Onorina - 13 - Colorado

I am a gay man and I came out at 17 in 1981 and I was a victim of bulling because of that. But it started much younger because I was different. When I spoke up it just got worse. It affected my schoolwork and I barley graduated. I loved schoolwork btu I hated school. I had a gay friend end himself at 14 because of it. Things like this need to stop.   

Richard - 60 - id

No one deserves to be bullied.
Please think before you do something because your actions could hurt someone.
Please think about how you would feel when you were bullied.
Together we can create a world without bullying.

Aseel - 15 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

I was bullied growing up due to my social status and not having the name brand clothes or newest phones. The bullying I went through in high-school replays in my brain everyday, it’s left me with so many issues and insecurities that I’ll always live with for the rest of my life. Bullying does more harm than good.

Vanessa - 25 -

My daughter has dealt with mean girl issues for 2 years…she’s only 9! This year she received 2 death threats and barely anything was done. We as her parents had to fight to see any results. She isn’t the same girl anymore. It’s heartbreaking to watch. 

Emily - 42 - Missouri

I care because I am a victim of bullying. I was a shy girl with almost no friends. People from my school bullied me for my weight, my grades (I was an honor student), and God only knows other reasons. I'm 30 now, but the cracks and wounds in my heart will never heal. I have trust issues, still feel terrible about my looks. I wish this world would be a better place. 

Banu - 30 - Uzbekistan

Bullying is a traumatic act that hurts. Bullying ruins self-esteem and can make it hard for people to be happy. If you're reading this and feel you may have bullied someone you can make things right. You are also loved and you also matter. Hurting someone else won’t change the situation or take away the pain. You don't have to hurt others because someone hurt you. You can show how beautiful you really are by loving and supporting others. It takes strength but I love you and I believe in you. Talk to someone and read information on how to stop bullying or help someone who is.

Melissa - 32 - New York

Its a changing society. If you are being "bullied" iver the internet, block those ppl. If you are being bullied in person, "Speak up for yourself" put some boundaries up. If someone keeps hounding you, TELL them, "I don't allow ppl to treat me badly, so if you want to talk like THAT, do it somewhere else bc i don't want to hear it" walk away and go on with life. You may have to repeat those words several times a day, but ppl only treat you the way you allow them to. Life is full of bullies. Learn to put up boundaries and stick to them. 

Amy - 41 - Arkansas

Bullying can cause many issues for the individual such as psychological and can even escalate to physical. It makes you question your self worth and will often lead to mental health deterioration. Along with prevention in your daily activities such as not participating in class or even socially distancing yourself from others. I care about bullying because I found myself being the target of bullying due to being an Asian American. This took place in elementary school, the bullying occurred daily which made me lose my enthusiasm to attend school. My personality changed as I became more withdrawn from social activities, and ashamed of who I was. It wasn't until I took action and stepped up for myself against bullying and by talking with a trusted adult.  Although it took time to heal I was extremely grateful I did so.

Lina - 20 - California

for all of yall who haven't been bullied before... ITS NOT that easy to stand up for yourself

Anonymous - 13 -

"Childhood bullying can cause lifelong psychological damage"

Not only do scientists and studies reveal this fact.

I know from my own experience because I was bullied at school for many years. 

Even now it still hurts when I think about my childhood.



Derek - 39 - CA

I was bullied from first grade until twelfth grade, and I tried to kill myself when I was 13 due to the extreme bullying I experienced. I was teased because I was shy, smart, and withdrawn. I didn't have a lot of friends. On a school trip during junior year, a boy called my hotel room to tell me all that was wrong with me. It's profoundly affected by life, and I've struggled with depression since elementary school. I also got teased because I'm Jewish and have attention deficit disorder (ADD). I have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social anxiety because of my experiences.

Katherine - 36 - Arkansas

I was bullied in grade school and high school because I stutter and have disabilities.   Bullying hurt a lot.   

Rachel - 43 - Saginaw, MI

I care because, I know how it can affect a child mentally. It causes pain and thinking negative of yourself I wish on no one the pain bullying can cause, and sometimes they can’t really ask for help. In my old school I was bullied a lot every single day for the way I looked or how I speak a language and I tried to ask for help multiple times but they never did anything and once I snapped and defended myself was when they reacted but never did noting for me the bullying made me insecure and scared to open up sometimes I just hoped It can all stop. I don’t experience this anymore however I am still scared that someone would Judge me for my looks or normal everyday activity I feel like I don’t fit in in groups of people and maybe I am better alone.

Zamirah - 13 - FL

I was once bullied and know the severity of not having someone to intervene. It places you in isolation which can lead to physical harm. Also, I want others to know there is help and you don't have to do it alone. 

Motivational Mary - 39 - Virginia

I care for so many people I am always being called a furry so I support everyone no matter who you are YOUR NOT ALONE!!!!!

Jasmine - 15 - Ohio

bullying is wrong 

Aaron - 13 -

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