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Taking A Stand

Posted: 5/17/2011

I was never physically bullied, but i was verbally bullied. I was a little over weight in middle school and had acne and was not as "cool" as the others. They would push me around and make me do things for them and if i didn’t then they would call me names in front of everyone. The worst thing was to be standing in front of everyone feeling so vulnerable and having them all point and laugh. I would go to school and cry every day. School wasn’t a place I went to to learn, it was a place I went to to try and make it through one day without getting picked on. I would get called names, all the other girls would tell secrets and laugh and gossip. I kept thinking to myself "will this ever end." I think the word "popular" is over-rated. All I wanted was to fit in, I tried to make the others like me. Nothing worked, at the time I felt that there was nothing I could do, so i just stuck it out. I am now 18 and in college. A lot has changed about me since I was 11. When I see my classmates from back in middle school, they try to act like were friends and that they never bullied me. One example in particular I ran into a guy who I went to school with and we started talking and it surprised me, when he said "Alyssa, you’re so pretty, I am so sorry I was mean to you back then."  I was shocked because he knew that he was rude, but now that i am grown up and look different, he wants to be my friend. I am no longer bullied, but I want to stand up to it, because no one deserves to go through it. I know how bad it hurts. For some people it can lead to bad things, I was heartbroken when I heard about the fifth grader who hung himself at school. I have recently heard of his parents speaking up about it, and the other day I wore pink for the anti-bullying day. It’s important to me, I want to make a stand and use my story to stop this horrible action. The other day, I was telling my friends that I wanted to go around speaking about bullying and be there for kids who just need a friend. Then I heard of what y'all are doing, and I love it. I love that people are making a stand against bullying.

By: Alyssa

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I Am Still Afraid

Posted: 5/17/2011

In 8th grade I was picked on by this girl named Lizbeth. She had friends of hers that I didn't even know picking on me and threatening to beat me up over gossip. I just graduated high school as a junior and to this day I pretty much keep to myself because of it. I don't look at high schoolers on the bus or anything because in a way I am still afraid, and it's a constant reminder of 8th grade.

By: Andrea

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I WAS the Bully

Posted: 5/17/2011

From preschool all through the first half of first grade, I was a bully.  When I was in KR, I would make fun of the other kids just to see what would happen, or because they talked weird or looked weird.  I would even talk back to the teachers! When I didn't get accepted back into that school (surprise, surprise), my mom took me to the school where she used to go, and things got a little better.  I would still get in trouble in kindergarten and first grade, but not as much.  In second grade, all of it suddenly stopped.  I don't really remember why, though.

By: Allen

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How Bullying Makes Me Feel

Posted: 5/17/2011

Bullying makes me feel less than what I am. It makes me feel like I’m not wanted. Bullying does not make someone feel good, it hurts them deep down inside even if it doesn’t show. This thing called bullying makes me feel like a nobody. When I look around I see many people who are no different than me but I’m the one who feels this way. Bullying makes me feel exposed. Many kids love to make others feel uncomfortable. At times I feel depressed but I don’t talk about it, I just let it build up. I’m starting to feel confident because I see changes in some friends who may be in similar situations.
I go home and I see many people who love and care about me, but when I go places such as school I feel like other students judge me. It doesn’t feel nice but I deal with it. People stare at me and then smile or whisper. My classmates have bonded and the whole class gets along and acts like a family, but other kids make the situations worse. Sometimes I feel like I don’t care.
I don’t like coming to school every day having to be talked about. I want to be treated like everybody else. I want to feel like I do when I’m at home. I come to school to get an education, not to be judged. I deal with the judgment because I know that everybody’s not the same and I also know that everybody’s not going to like each other. I just don’t want to be bullied or see anyone else being bullied. I want to be treated with respect like everyone else.

By: Kyirea

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Posted: 5/17/2011

Always want to fight. Can't ever be nice. Punching, stomping, and taking lunch money. Is it because I'm little or because I can't fight. Why do you want to bully me that's just not nice. Scared to come to school because the bully's only pick on you because they think it's cool. Well that's not cool. Cool is being nice but bullies think otherwise that's why they want to fight. A bully's favorite sentence is "Is what you get me for lunch." After that they are chewing down on your food. Scared to tell someone because the bullies are going to knock you out. Tell someone and your worries about the bullies will be out.

By: Maurice

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Single, Lonely Life

Posted: 5/17/2011

I can’t help but to feel that no one’s there,
No one to show love, kindness, and care,
Being name called, laughed at, and pushed all around,
Almost as if everyone is putting me down,
Wanting someone to be there when I cry,
When everyone’s hurting my feelings making me want to die!
Everyday my life is getting less easy,
When all the stuck-up kids want to laugh and act cheesy,
Life is hard on me, especially not having a friend,
But hopefully all this bullying will come to an end.

By: Kirsten

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What Is Bullying

Posted: 5/17/2011

Bullying is something that should not be going on in school. Everyone is entitled to have a say at school. School is an environment in which children come to learn and make friends. Not to be judged upon their appearance. Bullying makes people feel bad and brings down there self esteem.
Sometimes I put up a personal defense that some people might take as bullying. Bullying is not a label to me, it is a sign of trying to show off their ability to pick on other people. Bullying should stop, so that everyone can live without felling like they aren’t important, or good enough for anything. Bullies take advantage of those who aren’t capable of fighting for themselves. People should be able to live without judgment against appearance and be judged by character and actions.

By: Inndia

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Do What's Right

Posted: 5/17/2011

Stand up for bullying,
even if it may be adorous.
Take it from someone who knows,
I know it can be  tough.

What your friends do,
you choose to do it too.
The person has something you want,
so you put up a  front.

You say they smell, you say they snitch,
you call them  a witch.

You talk down about them to everyone else,
when the truth is:
that's how you feel about yourself.

Your problems need to be expressed,
but not through hurting someone else.

They've done nothing to you, yet you don't care.

You talk, you stare.

You threaten,
yet after words you think it's funny.

Until it happens to you,
then you want to tell your  mummy.

It's wrong, that's why I'm writing this poem.

Be better that everyone else,
because when you talk  about others,
you're talking about yourself.

Talking about others is the way you hide
how you really feel inside.

School should make you want to come,
make you feel safe.
It shouldn't matter about
your hair, your clothes or your race.
Choose not to discriminate.

You should want to come to school,
and the only thing  you should worry
about is following the rules.

You shouldn?t have to worry about the days
that you want to come to school.

So as I rap up what I'm saying.
Take it serious  because I'm not playing.

Don't put others down because in the end
what goes around comes around.

By: Destiny

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How Does Bullying Make Me Feel

Posted: 5/17/2011

When I see a bully bullying people or little kids I try to help them. If you don’t want to be bullied then don’t bully others. I wonder if bullies feel bad for bulling someone else. I look at bullies like something is wrong with them because being a bully doesn’t feel right. Not like I’ve been a bully before. I just know that it doesn’t feel right being one. It feels real bad. Especially when you’re about 10 years old bulling someone that’s like 5 or 6 years old because they cry, scream, and get depressed.
They don’t even want to go to school. I don’t know why people bully. Is it because their life is so bad so they want to mess up someone else life. I hope bullies feel bad for being a bully. I know that they can’t bully me. No one can bully me because I’m too strong to get bullied. But I just don’t want anyone to bully someone. Everybody that bullies someone should stop because I know they feel bad for doing it. They don’t care if they cry. All they would do is laugh in their faces. They might cry too. To me, it’s so sad to see people getting bullied every day. I’ve got bullied before when I was a younger I was about 4 or 5 years old and it was a girl that was about 15 or 16 years old. I couldn’t do anything about it I was too young. I use thought they were just playing but they weren’t they was serious. Being a bully isn’t so nice. I don’t there are bullies at our school. I hope not because if there are, I would make them stop bulling.
It’s not right to bully someone. I want someone to bully them and treat them the same way they bullied that person. I would be glad to see everyone getting along with each other. And not arguing with each other and cursing at each other like they’re grown but they’re not. It’s time for them to stop bulling people. I hope they eventually know that bulling is a wrong and mean thing to because if they don’t want to get bullied then they shouldn’t bully others.

By: Kayla

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Being A Bully

Posted: 5/17/2011

Everybody has they own opinion and one of mine is that I don’t like when some people bully other people especially nice people, nice people that don’t bother no one or keep to themselves.

Bullying is a person that is mean and to weaker minded people.

Bullying is not a good thing to do to other people it makes yourself look bad, and certain people wouldn’t have no respect for you and you’ll pay back the wrong you did to people at the end.

I have a story to tell about this young 14 year old boy Ricki. Ricki was kind obese and tall for his age. He lived with his mother and his little 8 year old brother Devon. Ricki and Devon and Mrs. Johnson is a hard working single parent, she lost her husband which is Ricki and Devon father, a couple of years ago he died of an sickness, every since the boys lost their father Ricki started getting in trouble in school, getting kicked out, starting fights with people, bullying younger kids younger than him telling them what to do, forcing the kids to do things they don’t want to do taking their lunches and money from them, bullying younger kids in the neighborhood, also sometimes Ricki will bully his brother Devon and his friends. He will make Devon do his chores and his own chores while they mother gone to work, which Devon is short and slim for his age which he would do what his brother would tell him also he gets tired of his brother ruling him around which the punishments Mrs. Johnson gives Ricki no privileges to do nothing. It won’t do any good to Ricki. Mrs. Johnson found out Ricki got kicked out of school for a week for bullying a younger boy around. Mrs. Johnson got fed up with it put Ricki on another punishment made him go outside to rake all the leaves, cut the grass, water the grass and cut the neighbors grass for free, while Ricki was doing that the younger kid he bullied at school went to go get his bigger older brother he were bigger and taller than Ricki. He came in front of Ricki house told Ricki off about his brother Ricki became kind of scared shaking a little in his shoes as Ricki looked up at him as a bigger giant. He attends to pick Ricki up by one hand from his collard as Mrs. Johnson heard noise outside in the yard she looked out the window as it wasn’t no surprise but a shock with her mouth open and stayed still didn’t attend to come outside to break the fight up as the bigger boy pick Ricki up from the collard, he threw him up on the porch Ricki landed near the door on his rear, as he was hurt, then the bigger boy begin to walk away. Mrs. Johnson hurry and moved away from the window came to the door opened it and told Ricki don’t come in the house until you finish his chores it wasn’t a sign from Ricki mother if she cared about him that moment as she threatened him next time he gets in any trouble and want to bully people she offer him to a boot camp a camp that is not to pleasant to be in for younger boys every sense then Ricki start straightening up being nice to his brother and his friends, kids in the neighborhood, kids in the school attend not to get kicked out of school Ricki promise his self and his mother he wouldn’t be a bully again!

By: De’Jah

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