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Kelly's Story

Posted: 11/15/2012

When I was born I was immediately adopted because my mother was too young to raise me. Ten years later she gave birth to my sister Kelly. It wasn't until I was 20, that I finally had the opportunity to meet my wonderful mother and sister. In the last year, I have spent many phone calls and visits discussing the issues my sister has been having while in school.

She has been bullied consistently for being overweight, and being 'unattractive', and for being not as smart as her other classmates. At the age of 12, she has had to overcome more hatred and hurt than most young girls her age. Since I live four states away, and in college full time, I cannot protect her. Our mother works two jobs to support Kelly and herself to the best of her abilities.

The pain she has suffered has only increased since she started middle school. In the last few months she has made every excuse in the book to get out of going to school. She has bruised her own eye, threatened to commit suicide, and eventually her threats made it back to school officials. She was immediately placed in a mental health facility.

When my mother called to tell me the news I was angry and hurt. Kelly had been bullied and attacked so terribly verbally by her fellow students that she was unable to think of continuing her life.

The bullying won't stop until her community and peers learn the proper skills to handle those different from themselves. I cannot always be the one to protect my sister. But it is my hope that by introducing Teen Bullying Groups into local areas, teens who are, and have been bullied can come together, and join hands to change their lives and the lives of those doing the bullying.

From a sister close at heart, and unfortunately far apart, the difficulties she faces are some I cannot begin to help her understand. But it is my hope that with love and support she can grow into a beautiful, and strong woman. Stop the bullying today, and save a life, someones life, your life, my sisters life.

By: Jordan