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Posted: 12/4/2012

For people who think bullying is fun, it is usually the people who don't have many friends or do but try to impress their friends by pushing people littler than them around like there nothin.

I've been bullied and I still get bullied by the same people and different people everday. When being bullied you don't think about anything or any one you sometimes go in to a deep deep depression like I do.

I sit at a lunch table myself all the way away from my classmates because the make fun of the way I dress, where I shop, and they call me names like lesbian, or he-she. Which is so cruel, that when I go home I sometimes cry myself to sleep, I get so depressed that I think like its all my fault I feel like I'm not worth anything. I had sueicideal thoughts.

But to all the bully's out there what you are doing its not cool it does not make you more popular it just makes you mean, and no one likes mean people.


By: Kiey'nay'ja