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Posted: 3/15/2013

National Bullying Prevention Center,

On behalf of the nearly 800 students and faculty at our College Preparatory School in California, we are happy to send you this check from a very successful Unity Day at our school.

Upon learning about Unity Day from your website, the students and faculty raised money by donating at least $1 to wear jeans and orange shirts. Normally our students wear uniforms, but instead we literally turned the school into a sea of orange! Our sixth grade students also held a bake sale at lunch, including selling items like Unity Brownies.

Our school, just like all other middle schools, does face some issues of bullying. However, we believe that our students, faculty, and parents are working hard to ensure that all students are treated with respect and kindness. We appreciate the efforts of the PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center to provide resources and education in the movement to end bullying.

Please use this donation to continue keeping this issue at the forefront. We look forward to having opportunities to support your work in the future.

College Preparatory School

By: Anonymous