How-to Guide : Overview of the INCLUDE SOMEONE campaign. One handout, 8 ½ x 11 4-page. Included with the printed kit.

Implement the campaign in three easy steps, outlined below. All campaign resources, whether you use the campaign in a classroom setting or through distance learning, are available to download for free.
In addition to accessing the digital resources, optional printed kits are great for in-person learning, and include tip sheets, posters, and stickers for up to 30 elementary school aged students to encourage inclusive acts.

How-to Guide
Step One: Give students ideas
Use the slideshow and videos, to provide students with helpful information about what it means to be inclusive.
Slideshow : A guide on inclusion that can be shown in the classroom or watched on student’s devices. 13-page PDF
Episode 1 Be Patient With Those Who Do Thing Differently
Cyborg and Beast Boy show the importance of learning more about others.
Episode 2 Invite Someone Do Join You In An Activity
Chloe and the We Bare Bears show how to include others.
Episode 3 Meet New Friends
Apple and Onion show that while it’s not easy being the new kid, having a friend helps.
Step Two: Encourage students to include someone
Download the interactive tip sheet to help students explore their ideas to practice inclusion.
Student Tip Sheet : Features ideas about how to include, along with fill-in-the-box reflection questions and interactive checklist. 8 ½ x 11 double-sided handout. Available as a download or with the printed kit.
Step Three: Recognize and Reward Your Students
Share inclusive acts on a digital flyer with the fill-in-the-bubble options or have students write their inclusive acts on the poster from the printed kit. Then, give or send each student a certificate customized with their name or a sticker from the printed kit to celebrate their inclusive acts.
——— Online ———
Customizable Flyers : Record and share student acts of inclusion. 8 ½ x 11 fill-in-the-bubble PDF.
Customizable Certificates : Recognize students acts of inclusion with a certificate which can be customized with student’s name. 8 ½ x 11 fill-in-the-name PDF.
——— Printed Kit ———
Classroom Posters : Record and display student acts of inclusion. Two posters, 18x24. Included with the printed kit.
Stickers : Recognize students acts of inclusion with a colorful sticker. 60 stickers total, six 8 ½ x 11 sheets with 10 durable peel offs each. Included with the printed kit.

Cartoon Network and PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center have partnered to inspire kids across the nation to make a difference by including someone. Cartoon Network is reaching millions of kids with a new Stop Bullying: Speak Up campaign inviting kids to speak up and share how they are making a difference in their communities by including others. PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center has created resources and materials for educators and parents to bring inclusion into the classroom and at home. Together, we are committed to creating more inclusive communities to stop bullying before it starts.