Presenting: Teen Talk on Cyberbullying
Teen Talk on Cyberbullying is a five-minute video designed to provide authentic insight and perspective from peers on issues related to cyberbullying. After viewing the video, hold a classroom discussion using the suggested questions .
Meet the Students: Teen Talk on Cyberbullying

Ajonta', 7th Grade
What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is hurting people's feelings, saying mean words on sites or apps, commenting on people's photos, saying disrespectful things about them.
What can you do to prevent cyberbullying? I think to be friends with everyone, ask the person if they need a friend, if the person who is bullying needs a friend.
What is one thing you want everyone to know about cyberbullying? Think of what you're doing, think of how you'd feel if it was said to you or a friend. It's not nice, it doesn't feel good to be cyberbullied.
Complete this sentence: I wish the person who was bullying knew … That they were not only hurting one person, but hurting the person's friends. That we are hurting multiple people's feelings. The person has friends who think about them, and the bullying hurts them too.
You may have heard the expression ‘Be comfortable in your own skin.’ What does that mean to you? Be yourself. Just be yourself.

Aniza, 7th Grade
What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is when you choose to go online and make fun of other people.
What is one thing you want everyone to know about cyberbullying? What you say is harmful. So if you type something up that you don't actually mean, it can be taken in the wrong way and it can lead to other problems.
How does being cyberbullied or seeing cyberbullying make you feel? Sad and not worthy.
What would you do if you see someone at school who is being bullied online? You can eat lunch with them. You could write them a letter and put it in their locker, so maybe if they are sad in the morning they can open their locker and then it would fall on the floor and they would read it and be happy.

Devon, 7th Grade
So often students who experience bullying say they feel so alone. What would you say to that? I'm here for you. That's what you have to say. You don't have to be with them every day, but every once in a while say, 'Hey, how are you doing,' eat lunch with them, sit with them, when you see no one else is talking with them, go over and talk with them. Just something that you would do with a friend.
What is the one thing you want everyone to know about cyberbullying? Think before you do. Think before you talk, think before you post words.
Complete this sentence: I wish the person who was bullying knew … How the other person feels. It's not all fun and games, they might not see that. I wish they knew how I feel.
You may have heard the expression 'Be comfortable in your own skin.' What does that mean to you? Be you, don't let nobody try and change you. There's always going to be that one kid you feel like you want to be like, or that one adult, or one teenager, you're going to strive to be like. But at the end of the day, you're going to realize just be yourself.

Giselle, 7th Grade
What is cyberbullying? There is a lot of different types of bullying. Cyberbullying is when bullying is happening on social media and anywhere online or through electronic devices.
What is one thing you want everyone to know about cyberbullying? To not believe the hate. If it's something towards you, don't believe it. If they are calling you names, don't believe it. If it's rumors towards someone else, don't believe it. Just think positive. What can you do to prevent cyberbullying? Stand up for them in a good way. Say someone said 'Hey, you're ugly,' you can respond back like, 'Hey, don't say mean things to her because it can really affect her.' Check with the person being bullied, see if they are okay.
Complete this sentence: I wish the person who was bullying knew … How someone felt about it. That they also aren't alone. There are other ways to express their feelings.
You may have heard the expression 'Be comfortable in your own skin.' What does that mean to you? Stay confident.

Sulekha, 7th Grade
What is one thing you want everyone to know about cyberbullying? Everyone's awesome in their own way. Just know that, don't fall back because of what other people say. Do you. You have people there for you, I'll be here if you need someone to talk to. And you might have someone else that would be there for you to talk to.
How do you think it feels to experience cyberbullying? I've never been cyberbullied, but when it happens to other people I think they might be embarrassed because you might not want people to know what has been shared.
So often students who experience bullying say they feel so alone. What would you say to that? You're not alone. There are other people that get bullied too. It's not just you, it's okay. People who bully have all this time, but they want to spend it on your because you may stick out. But know you stick out in a good way.
Complete this sentence: I wish the person who was bullying knew' how it felt and how it feels to be bullied.
Video Production
Special thanks to Chad Gerkin, a videographer from Minnesota who shared that he has loved movies and cameras since he was a little boy. As a result of his passion, growing up, he spent most of the money on equipment to make videos. In 2014, he attended Art Institute in Minneapolis and also started his own production company, Vinci Productions. His film making goal is to have an organic and real vision of the world. To date, he has done a wide variety of videos and is off to a great start with his career!
Special thanks to Clarisonic for funding 'Teen Talk on Cyberbullying"