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Multicultural Services Overview

PACER currently employs several members of diverse cultural groups to work with parents. Multicultural staff work with all PACER projects and help families understand and access education, health, mental health, transition, and other services.

Multicultural staff:

  • Conduct home visits
  • Provide individual assistance by phone, email, and in-person
  • Present workshops in local communities
  • Translate materials into Spanish, Hmong, and Somali
  • Conduct in-services for professionals on working with diverse families

Parents and professionals can call PACER at 952-838-9000 and speak with a multicultural advocate today!

Translated Publications

  • Hmoob - Koom haum PACER Center muaj kev tham qhia hais txog niam txiv txoj kev txhawb nqa kev kawm ntawv tshwj xeeb ua ob hom lus, muaj kev pab tsev neeg mus muab cov kev pab li lawv xav tau thiab muaj cov ntaub ntawv txhais ua ntau hom lus hais txog tej xwm txheej uas cov tsev neeg ntau caj ces sam sim ntsib. Cov ntaub ntawv hais mus no yog cov uas tau muab txhais ua lus Hmoob lawm.
  • Soomaaliga - Ururka PACER waxa uu bixiya tababar (workshop), waxqabad ama taageero gaar ahaaneed iyo qoraalo la fasilay oo ku saabsan dhibaatooyinka ay la kulmaan qoysaska ka socda meelaha kala gadisan. qoraalada hoos ku qoran waa kuwo ka mid ah qoraalda lagu turjumay afka Soomaliga.
  • Español - PACER ofrece talleres bilingües, ayuda individual y publicaciones traducidas se centran en los problemas que enfrentan las familias de diversos orígenes. Las siguientes publicaciones han sido traducidas al español.