Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Families
PACER is here to help! PACER’s parent advocates, assistive technology specialists, bullying prevention associates, and all staff are available to assist families and professionals. Call 952-838-9000 or email [email protected] for assistance.
PACER Center está Aquí para Ayudar
Estimada Comunidad Latina,
Sabemos que estamos viviendo tiempos muy difíciles, pero sepan que no están solos. Al vivir a través de esta crisis de salud pública, en PACER nos comprometemos a continuar siendo un recurso valioso para las familias que tienen niños con o sin discapacidades y para estudiantes que son blanco de bullying, así como para los profesionales que les sirven.
Para ayuda en español, contacten a Jesús Villaseñor. Él puede ayudarles con asuntos de abogacía, prevención de bullying y necesidades de tecnología auxiliar. Comuníquense con el Sr. Villaseñor al (952) 838-1371 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]
Nyob zoo cov niam cov txiv,
Peb paub tias peb nyob rau lub sij hawm tsis yooj yim kiag, tab sis thov paub tias tsis yog koj ib leeg xwb. Thaum peb txhua tus nyob rau lub tsam thawj muaj kev phom sij txog kev noj qab haus huv, peb cov ua hauj lwm hauv koom haum PACER yeej tseem muab tau cov kev pab rau cov tsev neeg thiab cov me nyuam tau kev kawm ntawv tshwj xeeb los yog cov tau kev kawm ntawv rau ib tsoom thiab cov kawm ntawv uas raug lwm tus thab, thiab cov kws txuj uas ua hauj lwm pab rau lawv.
Hu los yog email rau Ntaub Xyooj! Kuv yuav pab tau koj txog kev thoob tswv yim txhawb kev kawm ntawv, kev tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj kev thab plaub los yog xav tau kev pab lwm yam. Kuv tus xov tooj yog 952-838-1368 los yog [email protected]
Hey’adda PACER waxey diyaar u tahay in ay ku cawiso
Qoyska iyo Jaaliyadda Somaliyed,
Wan ognahay in waqti marxalad adag la marayo, lakin ogow hey’adda PACER diyaar waxan kula nahay cawinaad. Waqtigan hadda ku jirno, oo ah xaalad walwal cafimaadka bushada, shaqaalaha PACER waxey diyaar kula yihiin kheyraad iyo akhbaaro loogu tala galay qoyska iyo caruurta naafada leh iyo kuwa aan laheyn. Sido kale ardeyda guud ahaan iyo dadka taqasusuka ah.
Hadi aad u baahan tahay wax caawinad ah lukhadda Somaliga, fadlan la so xiriir Xasan Samantar. Waxu ka caawin kara maclumaadka la xiriira in aad ilmahaga u dodo xuquuqdooda, xiriirka dugsiga, ama waxi baahi xagga isticmalka qalabka teknolojiga ah. Kala xiriir Xasan Samantar 952-838 1334 ama Khadka [email protected]
PACER-Developed Resources
Distance Learning and Students with Disabilities
- Preparing Your Child with Disabilities for Distance Learning
- Distance Learning and Your Child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP): Consideration of Related Services
(Translations: Spanish)
- Distance Learning and Resolving Disputes Regarding My Child’s IEP
(Translations: Spanish)
- Distance Learning and Your Child with Disabilities, Tips for Families
- Distance Learning Activities During COVID-19 to Help Transition-age Youth on an IEP Prepare for Adulthood
- COVID-19 and Special Education Timelines and Due Process
- Transition at Age Three During the COVID-19 Crisis
(Translations: Spanish)
- Developmental Delay and Turning Seven: Reevaluation During COVID-19
(Translations: Spanish)
Social and Emotional Learning and Supports
- Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellness During the COVID-19 Outbreak
- COVID-19 Distance Learning and Challenging Behaviors
- National Bullying Prevention Center’s free resources to engage your students or children in social and emotional learning
- Children's Mental Health and Emotional or Behavioral Disorders Colvid-19 Resources
Early Childhood
- What’s the difference between Telehealth and Telemedicine? - PACER Center Infographic
At Home Family Activity
Student Privacy
- Minnesota Student Privacy and Distance Learning
(Translations: Hmong)
- Minnesota Student Privacy and Virtual School Meetings
(Translations: Hmong)
Minnesota Resources
Minnesota Department of Education Guidance
- Special Education and COVID-19 Questions and Answers: Special Education Instruction, Services, Programming, Funding and Resources
- Early Childhood Special Education and COVID-19 Questions and Answers: Special Education Instruction, Services and Programming
- Additional Special Education COVID-19 Resources
Child Care
Federal Resources
U.S. Department of Education
- Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Schools While Protecting the Civil Rights of Students
- Supplemental Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities