Directing Patients to Health Care financing options

National Health Care options and funding
Up to date information for Individuals and businesses on finding Health Care coverage under the Affordable Care Act including:
- Health Insurance Marketplace
- Rights, Protections and the Law
- Health Insurance Basics
- Getting Lower Costs on Coverage
- Prevention
Social Security Administration:
- Supplemental Security Income program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources.
- Ticket to Work
Program assists Social Security Beneficiaries go to work, save money, become financially independent and keep their health coverage - Disability benefits
For people who have previously worked and cannot continue because of a medical condition
Minnesota Health care funding and options
Minnesota information on choosing and enrolling in health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act
Medical Assistance:
Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP), Minnesota Department of Human Services
Information on who is eligible for MHCP, how to apply, Member services, Medical Assistance and Health Care Administration
Minnesota Health Care Programs Providers and Partners
Listings of Providers, Counties and Tribes, IEP providers and Managed Care organizations
Health Care and Coverage (Minnesota Department of Health):
- Managed Care plans
- Health Information Technology
- Mental Health
- Rural and Underserved
- Health Records and Confidentiality
Minnesota Disability Services, Wavier Programs
Overview and explanation of Waivers and programs that are offered to children and adults with disabilities.
Supplemental Security Income Advocacy Program
Provides advocates and assistance in applying for Supplemental Security Income and Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits
Prescription assistance:
Minnesota Health Care Providers, Prescription Drug Information
Listing of drugs requiring prior authorization or diagnosis code, Medical Supply listing, Preferred drug list and Medicaid Rebating Manufacturing List.
RX Hope
Assists Healthcare Providers to find prescription assistance for patients
Information on assisting patients with chronic diseases and medication assistance needs.
Third Party Billing
Third Party Billing, Minnesota Department of Education
General explanation of Information regarding the billing procedures for school districts seeking reimbursement for Special Education health-related services.
Parent Resources:
Public and Private Health Insurance Information
For parents of children with Special Health Care needs on topics of private and public insurance, Home and Community Based Wavier Programs, Supplemental Security Income, and other health care financing options:
Prescription Assistance information for families (PACER Health Information Center)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI): So you have Decided to Apply
Step by step information on applying for SSI.
Supplemental Security Income: A Bridge to Work
Supplemental Security Income: Your Right to Appeal
A Guide to Preparing Your Child with a Disability for Life Beyond High School
In Minnesota, county human services departments should be a first stop for families of children with special health care needs to access Minnesota Health Care Programs and financial resources. The Minnesota Tribal and County Health Care Directory includes updated contact information for all county and tribal offices.
Third Party Billing: Billing for Health Services Included in your Child’s IEP, IFSP or IIIP: Information for parents when considering releasing insurance information to school districts to bill for school based health services.