Table of Contents
- Pg1 – Intro
- Pg2 – Start – IEP/504/None
- Pg3 – On IEP and The Discipline Is?
- Pg 23 – On IEP behavior manifestation team determination
- Pg33 – On 504 and the discipline is?
- Pg46 – On 504 behavior manifestation team determination
- Pg55 – Not on IEP/504 – evaluation status?
- Pg56 – not yet complete
- Pg57 – Status pending
- Pg58 – None of the Above – Before this incident
- Pg61 – None of the Above – Before this incident
- Pg73 – Conclusion
- Definitions

My Child Is on a Section 504 Plan
Anytime your child’s behavior is interfering with his or her education and/or is resulting in suspensions, you may want to request an evaluation for an IEP or 504 Plan*. If your child is already on an IEP or 504 Plan, you may want to request a meeting to determine if your child’s IEP or 504 Plan and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)* are meeting your child’s needs and modify them, as necessary, to address the behavior so that it is less likely to happen again.
If your child is on an IEP or 504 Plan and does not have a BIP, you may want to request that the school conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)* and implement a BIP. You also may want to discuss whether the behavior was a manifestation* of his or her disability.
This concludes this guide for the selections you made regarding the complex disciplinary process for Minnesota public school children with disabilities. Should you wish to review the procedure for other types of students or discipline, click the above table of contents link to make other selections. This guide is based on the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act.
For further information on the disciplinary process for students with disabilities, you may contact PACER Center at 952-838-9000. In Greater Minnesota, call 800-537-2237 (toll free).
PACER Center is a parent center for families of children and young adults with any disability. PACER provides individual assistance, workshops, publications, and other resources to help families make decisions about education and other services for their child or young adult with disabilities.
Please send any feedback or questions about your experience in using this guide to [email protected].
©2018 PACER Center, Inc.