Skip Over Table of Contents
Table of Contents
- Pg1 – Intro
- Pg2 – Start – IEP/504/None
- Pg3 – On IEP and The Discipline Is?
- Pg 23 – On IEP behavior manifestation team determination
- Pg33 – On 504 and the discipline is?
- Pg46 – On 504 behavior manifestation team determination
- Pg55 – Not on IEP/504 – evaluation status?
- Pg56 – not yet complete
- Pg57 – Status pending
- Pg58 – None of the Above – Before this incident
- Pg61 – None of the Above – Before this incident
- Pg73 – Conclusion
- Definitions

My Child Is on an IEP
: Intro > IEP/504/None > Discipline > Out of School Suspension > More Than 10 Days > Manifestation Meeting
The Discipline is:
an out-of-school suspension* that brings the total out-of-school suspensions to more than 10 school days for this school year.
Manifestation Meeting:
At that meeting1, you, and the other members of your child’s IEP team who are familiar with your child and the behavior in question, and school district representatives must decide whether your child’s behavior was:
- caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to his or her disability, or
- a direct result of the school district’s failure to implement his or her IEP.
In making this determination, the team should consider all relevant information, including:
- your child’s complete educational record, including such pertinent information as evaluations, IEPs, and your child’s current placement.
- private evaluations, diagnostic results, and any other relevant information you supply