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Screen shot of Kids Against Bullying home page.

Bullying Prevention

Founded in 2006, PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center actively leads social change to prevent childhood bullying, so that all youth are safe and supported in their schools, communities and online. PACER provides innovative resources for students, parents, educators, and others, and recognizes bullying as a serious community issue that impacts education, physical and emotional health, and the safety and well-being of students.

NBPC Flyer for Classroom and Events

A free, colorful, and informative 8 ½ x 11 (two-sided) flyer, available in English and Spanish translation, that outlines the creative resources, outreach activities, and opportunities available from PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center (NBPC). Download or request.

Quick Guides

The three-part handout series provides an overview of how bullying is defined, the roles involved, and helpful tips to address bullying behavior. Bullying Prevention 101, A Quick Guide for:

Cyberbullying Prevention 101 Quick Guides

The three-version series with audience relevant content for elementary school students, middle and high school students and adults outlines how cyberbullying is defined, along with information on how to prevent and address the behavior.


Promote bullying prevention in your school year round by giving each K-12 student a bookmark. Two versions available; elementary school (BP-6) and middle/high school (BP-9). Order the Bookmarks.

"What You Can Do"

This four-part series provides comprehensive information for students and adults about how to help someone who is experiencing bullying, as well as how to address bullying in the community.

Cyberbullying: What Parents Should Know

Students now live at a time of instant access to cell phones, tablets, or computers, which open the door to exciting new ways of connecting, interacting, and learning. However, these new modes of communication also present new challenges for parents. Not only do parents have to help children and youth navigate in-person social situations, they also need to prepare them for healthy relationships online. This 16-page booklet has information for parents on how to guide their children through this virtual world. (BP-23) Download for free.

Kids Against Bullying Classroom Activity Book

Eight-page classroom activity book designed with educational activities that incorporate the website. It engages young learners in creative ways, incorporating the Club Crew cast from the Kids Against Bullying website. The content provides activities to help students think about their feelings, explore responses to bullying situations, and take the pledge to be a Kid Against Bullying (BP-32). Free to download, full color or black/white.

Classroom 5-Poster Series

Order, download, print and share one or all of these posters featuring compelling bullying prevention messaging. Display all year long in the classroom, hallway or lunchroom. Available in English (BP-38) and Spanish translation (BP-38s). Download or Order.

Looking for other print resources for your event or classroom?

Beyond Sticks & Stones: How to Help Your Child Address Bullying

This 70-page comprehensive guide offers information and practical tools for students, parents, and other adults to take action to address and prevent bullying. Updated 2023.
$10 | BP-7 | 10+ copies, $8 each

Bullying Prevention Videos

PACER offers dozens of videos featuring Disney actors, NFL players, musicians, students from across the country, and others to help raise awareness for bullying prevention. See all of the Bullying Prevention Videos


Disability Awareness: A Guidebook for Families and Educators - currently under revision
For teachers and parents. Discussion on disabilities, disability awareness simulation activities for children, answers to questions from youngsters who want to know about persons with disabilities, and other resources. 2001.
$10 | 10+ copies, $7 each  | CMI-1

Handouts squareFree to Download pdf icon | $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each

Bullying Prevention for Children with Disabilities: Using the IEP, 504, or Creating Your Own Plan BP-4
Common Views and Myths about Bullying BP-1
Elementary School Students - Bullying 101: The Club Crew’s Guide to Bullying Prevention BP-24
Help Your Child Recognize the Signs of Bullying BP-2
How to effectively engage a child who is showing bullying behavior PHP-c109
Middle and High School Students – Bullying 101: Guide for Middle and High School Students BP-28
Notifying the School About a Bullying Incident—Using a Template Letter BP-19
Parent and Educator Guide to Using the Student Action Plan Against Bullying BP-37
Record Keeping and Bullying BP-3
Safety in the Online Community: A conversation with your 13-year-old about Facebook and Instagram BP-27
Student Action Plan Against Bullying BP-25
Students with Disabilities and Bullying: Top five things for parents, educators and students to know BP-18
Telling classmates about your child's disability may foster acceptance PHP-c101
Use Positive Strategies to Protect Your Child with Disabilities from Bullying BP-16
What Adults Can Do to Help Youth Experiencing Bullying BP-39c
What Communities Can Do to Address and Prevent Bullying BP-39d
What Youth Can Do If They Are Experiencing Bullying BP-39a
What Youth Can Do to Help Peers Who Are Experiencing Bullying BP-39b

Handouts - Spanish pdf icon

Lista para Saber si eres Blanco de Bullying AreYouATarget-Spanish
Lista para Saber si tú estás haciendo Bullying DoYouBully-Spanish
El Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP) y el Bullying BP-4s
Estudiantes con Discapacidades y el Bullying: 5 hechos principales que padres, educadores y estudiantes necesitan saber BP-18s
Guía para Padre y Maestros para usar el Plan del Estudiante en Contra del Bullying BP-37s
Notificando a la Escuela Acerca de un Incidente de Bullying Mediante el Uso de una Carta – Formulario BP-19s
Plan de Acción del Estudiante en Contra del Bullying – Student Action Plan Against Bullying BP-25s
Puntos de Vista y Mitos Comunes sobre el Bullying BP-1s
Use Estrategias Positivas para Proteger del Bullying a Su Hijo/a con Discapacidades BP-16s

Handouts - Somali pdf icon

Hagaha waalidka iyo baraha: Isticmaalka Qorshaha Talaabada Ardayga ee Kahortaga Xoogsheegashada (Bullying) BP-37so
Handadaadda iyo Dhibaateynta Ardeyda Dib-udhaca leh BP-18so
Qorsho ficileed ay ardadu buuxin karto oo ay kaga hortagi karan handadaadda – Student Action Plan Against Bullying BP-25so

Handouts - Hmong pdf icon

Kev siab phem rau thiab thab cov kawm ntawv uas muaj qhov tsis taus BP-18h
Kev taw qhia niam txiv thiab tus kws qhia ntawv los siv tus me nyuam txoj kev npaj los tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj kev thab plaub BP-37h
Tus kawm ntawv txoj kev npaj ua kom txhob muaj kev thab plaub Tsim los pab rau cov hluas los ua nrog ib tug laus los yog tsis muaj ib tug laus nrog BP-25h

Visit PACER's other sites: Teens Against Bullying | Kids Against Bullying

Translated content: Hmoob/Hmong | Español | Soomaliga/Somali

    ©2023 PACER Center, Inc.