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Items marked squareare FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.

staritems are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.

Please limit requests for free items to 10 or less per order.

mother holding daughter close to her in a close up mother with daughter behind with her chin on shoulder, smiling

father reading a book with young daughter

Special Education Rights

PACER Center provides a wide array of services to help parents advocate for their children with disabilities. The project is staffed by parent advocates who assist parents by distributing informative materials, conducting workshops and trainings, and providing one-on-one consultations with parents throughout Minnesota. Parent advocates help clarify existing laws, explain school procedures, develop strategies for working with schools, and answer questions about everything from transportation to parental rights.


A Guide to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Minnesota Parentspdf icon
Helps parents work with schools to address their child’s individual special education needs through understanding the required components of the IEP. Updated 2023.
square $3 | 10+ copies, $2 each  | PHP-a12

A Parent's Guide to Special Education Advisory Councils (SEAC)pdf icon
This book gives an in depth look at how special education advisory councils work. 2006.
square $3 | 10+ copies, $2.50 each  | PHP-a37

Choices: Opportunities for Life
The information in this booklet can help parents think about the steps involved in encouraging decision making skills in their young children with disabilities. 2009.
square $6 | 10+ copies, $5 each  | PHP-a31

Families are Important! An Early Childhood Guidebook for Families of Young Children
Helps families of children with disabilities or delayed development understand Minnesota's early intervention system and how to access services for their child. 2014.
square $7 | 10+ copies, $5 each  | PHP-a9

Minnesota Secondary Transition Toolkit for Families: A Guide to Preparing Your Child with a Disability for Life Beyond High School
This guidebook helps families with easy-to-understand information about why transition planning is important, how it all starts with the transition assessment process, and the rules that schools follow during the transition process. It also includes information about community partners who can support young people with disabilities when they become adults. Topics include healthcare and health maintenance, benefits planning, postsecondary education and accommodations, recreation, social resources, transportation, and housing. 2017. Download only. One copy may be printed from downloaded booklet.
star $9 | ST-41

PACER's Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process in Minnesotapdf icon
An overview guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process in Minnesota
square $3 | 10+copies, $2 each  | PHP-a58

Parents Can Be the Key
As a parent, you know your child in a way no one else can. You are an expert on your child and a vital member of the team that plans your child’s education. You, as a parent, can be the key to an appropriate education for your child. You have important information to share about your child’s educational planning, and you can take action to make changes when they are needed. To be an effective advocate, you must know your rights and those of your child. Exercising these rights and fulfilling your responsibilities are important steps in supporting your child on his or her educational journey. This book offers an overview of special education in Minnesota.
square $3 | 10+ copies, $2 each  | PHP-a1

Possibilities: A Financial Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities
A booklet first published in 2004 by the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) and PACER, has been revamped and expanded in an online format. This guide offers tips and information on organizing financial records, managing money, dealing with debt, preparing income taxes, saving for college, preparing youth for adult employment, and more. Each section includes links to additional resources. 2011
FREE | Online Only  | WEB-1

Working Together: A Parent's Guide to Parent and Professional Partnership and Communication Within Special Education
Helps parents effectively communicate with special education professionals as they develop their child's educational program. Updated 2019.
square $6 | 10+ copies, $5 each  | PHP-a19


Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Complaint Processes
Some dispute resolution options in Minnesota place the decision regarding how a dispute between parents and the school district is resolved in someone else’s hands, through different kinds of complaint processes. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of special education complaints, due process complaints and hearings, and discrimination complaints. Also available in Spanish, Somali and Hmong.
| PHP-a59

Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Special Education Meetings
Other dispute resolution options in Minnesota give parents and the school district the opportunity to work together to make decisions about how a dispute is resolved, through different kinds of special education meetings. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of Conciliation Conferences, Facilitated Team Meetings, and Mediation. Also available in Spanish, Somali and Hmong.
| PHP-a60

Truancy: A Family Guide to Understanding and Seeking Help for Truancy
This brochure provides families with information on the importance of children attending school regularly and on time. It also explains Minnesota laws on school attendance and truancy: being frequently absent from school without permission or a valid reason. If children have multiple unexcused absences, this brochure can help families encourage school attendance and understand possible consequences of truancy.
square FREE | PHP-a4

Record Keeping Folders

Moving from High School to Adulthood: Record Keeping Tracker
This folder is intended to be used as a place for youth to keep track, record, and store necessary documents related to their transition journey. Stuffed inside is a handout titled “Moving From High School to Adulthood: Record Keeping Tracker Resources.” (Also available Children’s Mental Health Parent Folder and Special Education Record Keeping Folders)
$2 | PHP-a61a

Special Education Record Keeping Folders
Special education records contain important information for making educational decisions. This set of 6 folders helps parents organize school paperwork to help them make good decisions about their children's education. 2014. (Also available Moving from High School to Adulthood: Record Keeping Tracker and Children's Mental Health Parent Folder)
1-10 copies, $10 each | 11-100 copies, $8 each | 101-500 copies, $7 each | PHP-a5

Handouts squareFree to Download pdf icon | $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each

Publication Name Publication Code *Audio MP3 (download)
A guide to the IFSP for Minnesota families PHP-c290  
A place to start: Understanding the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement PHP-c186  
A place to start: Understanding the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement (Hmong) PHP-c186h  
A place to start: Understanding the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement (Somali) PHP-c186so  
A place to start: Understanding the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement (Spanish) PHP-c186s  
Accessing County Children's Mental Health Services for Your Child PHP-c84  
ADA Q&A: Back to School PHP-c51c  
Appendix: PACER's Guide to the IEP for Minnesota Parents PHP-c311  
Attending meetings to plan your child's IEP PHP-c281  
Attending meetings to plan your child's IEP (Spanish) PHP-c281s  
Basic disability etiquette tips PHP-c127  
Categories of diverse disabilities PHP-c128  
Changes in IDEA involve parents' rights PHP-c173  
Chart your own future: How your IEP can help PHP-c113  
Checklist: Preparing for a conciliation conference PHP-c292  
Checklist: Preparing for a Facilitated Team Meeting PHP-c288  
Checklist: Preparing for and attending mediation PHP-c200  
Childhood Skills Checklists: Should we be concerned? PHP-c76  
Communication in the Special Education Process PHP-c82  
Direct and indirect services PHP-c180  
Direct and indirect services (Spanish) PHP-c180s  
Disability awareness activities for students of all ages PHP-c204  
Disability-related interagency and special education council and committee opportunities PHP-c100  
Due process options in the special education process PHP-c258  
Early literacy: Parents play a key role PHP-c134  
Effective communication for students with hearing, vision, or speech disabilities in public schools PHP-c242  
Evaluation: What Does It Mean for Your Child? PHP-c2 Download Audio
Examples of positive behavioral intervention (PBI) strategies (Hmong) PHP-c215b-h  
Examples of positive behavioral intervention (PBI) strategies (Spanish) PHP-c215b(s)  
Extended School Year (ESY) services: What parents need to know PHP-c256  
Extracurricular activities and students with disabilities PHP-c195  
Facilitated Team Meetings PHP-c90  
Father's Involvement Is Important / Tips for Fathers of Children with Disabilities PHP-c74  
Filing a Complaint with the MDE PHP-b17  
Five areas that may affect IEP services PHP-c221  
Five areas that may affect IEP services (Hmong) PHP-c221h  
From experience to influence: The power of a parent's story PHP-c121  
From experience to influence: The power of a parent's story (Spanish) PHP-c121s  
From needs to services: Parent homework worksheet PHP-c210  
From needs to services: Parent homework worksheet (Hmong) PHP-c210h  
From needs to services: Parent homework worksheet (Spanish) PHP-c210s  
Getting off to a good start: Positive interactions with diverse families PHP-c131  
Graduation incentives program PHP-c223  
Guidelines for exploring interagency opportunities PHP-c99  
Help for parents: How to prepare for a special education evaluation planning meeting PHP-c249  
Help for parents: How to prepare for a special education evaluation planning meeting (Spanish) PHP-c249s  
How an advocate can help PHP-c270  
How Can My Child Be Involved in the IEP Process? PHP-c77 Download Audio
How do I determine my child's rate of progress? PHP-c279  
How do I determine my child's rate of progress? PHP-c279h  
How to Communicate Effectively with Early Childhood Professionals PHP-c159  
How to prepare your child with disabilities for kindergarten: Tips for parents PHP-c179  
How Will I Know If My Child Is Making Progress? PHP-c78  
How will my child's health care needs be met in school? HIAC-h42  
How you can help your child learn to be a good self advocate PHP-c95  
I have concerns about the results of my child's special education evaulation: What can I do? PHP-c278  
IEP goals PHP-c266  
IEP goals (Hmong) PHP-c266h  
IEP goals (Somali) PHP-c266so  
IEP meeting checklist for students PHP-c268  
IEP team meeting planner PHP-c184  
IEP team meeting planner (Spanish) PHP-c184s  
Increasing parent involvement on special education and disability-related interagency committees, councils, and boards PHP-c98  
Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting checklist for parents PHP-c183  
Individualized Education Program (IEP) progress reports: How will you know if your child is making progress on IEP goals? PHP-c255  
Initial considerations for parents of students with disabilities: Choosing a charter school - parent checklist PHP-c240  
Introducing your child to the school community using a “Student Snapshot” format PHP-c160  
Introducing Your Child to the School Community Using a “Student Snapshot” Format PHP-160  
Key questions for SEAC parent members to ask PHP-c152  
Keys to Success in the Family-School Partnership GE-1  
Keys to success in the SEAC parent-school partnership PHP-c151  
Know Your parental rights: The meaning and importance of Prior Written Notice (PWN) and parent consent PHP-c232  
Know your school district: Tips for parent members of local SEACs PHP-c153  
Know your school district: Tips for parents PHP-c112  
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): An English Translation of Key Legal Requirements PHP-c7  
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): What parents need to know PHP-c264  
Making decisions about your IEP after you turn 18: Questions and answers for students with disabilities who are their own guardian PHP-c300a  
Manners unleashed: Etiquette regarding service dogs PHP-c164  
Medical Documentation for County Services and Social Security: Partnering with your doctor for pertinent documentation HIAC-h35  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention PHP-c297  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention (Hmong) PHP-c297h  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention (Somali) PHP-c297so  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention (Spanish) PHP-c297s  
Mental health and school avoidance: Tips to developing an educational plan for your child PHP-c269b  
Mental health and school avoidance: What parents need to know PHP-c269a  
Minnesota charter schools and SEACs PHP-c176  
Minnesota high school diploma for students receiving special education services PHP-c263  
Minnesota transition: Parent tips for charting a course for the future PHP-c157  
National group offers guidelines for accessible playgrounds PHP-c15  
Natural environments support early intervention services PHP-c178  
Obtaining an evaluation for a private school student PHP-c147  
Parent leadership and systems change PHP-c283  
Parent Partnerships Project For Children's Mental Health: Access to Services PHP-c88  
Parent Partnerships Project For Children's Mental Health: The Commitment of Financial Resources PHP-c89  
Parent Partnerships Project for Children's Mental Health: Training for Professionals PHP-c87  
Parent Tips for Transition Planning NPC-34  
Parent's Question: Is Retention a Good Idea? PHP-c3  
Person-First Language for Individuals with Disabilities PHP-c31  
Physical education and children with disabilities and developmental adapted physical education (DAPE) PHP-c182  
Placement in Alternative Educational Setting-IDEA 2004 Section 615 (K) PHP-c111  
Planning for a meeting about your child's behavior needs PHP-c144  
Planning for a meeting about your child's behavior needs (Spanish) PHP-c144s  
Planning for your child's transition to kindergarten: A timeline PHP-c201  
Potential community partners and locations for parent outreach activities in diverse communities PHP-c133  
Prepare Your Child for Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights in Minnesota PHP-c63  
Prepare Your Child for Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights in Minnesota (Hmong) PHP-c63h  
Prepare Your Child for Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights in Minnesota (Spanish) PHP-c63s  
Preparing for the IEP team meeting to discuss special education recovery services and supports for your child PHP-c303  
Preparing for the IEP team meeting to discuss special education recovery services and supports for your child (Spanish) PHP-c303s  
Preparing for transition from early intervention to an IEP PHP-c158  
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) examples PHP-c253  
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) examples (Hmong) PHP-c253h  
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) examples (Somali) PHP-c253so  
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) examples (Spanish) PHP-c253s  
Questions for parents of children with disabilities to ask about public charter schools PHP-c110  
Questions for Parents to Ask about School Adaptations PHP-c91  
Questions for parents to ask each step of the way in the special education process PHP-c271  
Receiving the results of your child's special education evaluation PHP-c273  
Record keeping supports parent participation in special education planning PHP-c155  
Record keeping supports parent participation in special education planning (Hmong) PHP-c155h  
Record keeping supports parent participation in special education planning (Somali) PHP-c155so  
Record keeping supports parent participation in special education planning (Spanish) PHP-c155s  
Residential programs for children: What parents should consider PHP-c85a  
Residential treatment programs: Choosing the right one for your child PHP-c85b  
Resolving special education issues: It seems like the school is not following my child's IEP - What can I do? PHP-c93  
Resolving special education issues: Keeping special education records PHP-c94  
Resource list of disability organizations PHP-c36  
Restrictive procedures in special education: Children with behavioral and emotional needs PHP-c304  
Restrictive procedures in special education: Children with behavioral and emotional needs (Hmong) PHP-c304h  
Restrictive procedures in special education: Children with behavioral and emotional needs (Spanish) PHP-c304s  
Safety: It takes planning and education for children and young adults with disabilities PHP-c122  
Sample self-advocacy plan PHP-c149b  
School accommodation ideas for students who receive Section 504 or special education services PHP-c267  
School modification ideas for students who receive special education services PHP-c272  
School Records and Parents' Rights PHP-c41  
SEAC Strategies for Success Guidebook FAPE-36  
SEAC strategies for success training modules: Terms and conditions PHP-c175  
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent checklist PHP-c177b  
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent checklist (Hmong) PHP-c177b-h  
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent's guide PHP-c177a  
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent's guide (Hmong) PHP-c177a-h  
Sibling Resources: A Bibliography of Selected Resources for Siblings of Children with Disabilities PHP-c50  
Solving disagreements with your IEP team after you turn 18: Questions and answers for students with disabilities who are their own guardian PHP-c300b  
Special education placement settings PHP-c265  
Special education placement settings (Hmong) PHP-c265h  
Special education placement settings (Somali) PHP-c265so  
Special education placement settings (Spanish) PHP-c265s  
Strategies for success in local early childhood parent outreach activities among diverse cultures PHP-c132  
Students' perceptions of instruction in inclusion classrooms: Implications for students with learning disabilities PHP-c282  
Students with Disabilities & Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 PHP-c33  
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Crisis plans PHP-c291b  
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Crisis plans (Hmong) PHP-c291b-h  
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Positive behavioral intervention plans PHP-c291a  
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Positive behavioral intervention plans (Hmong) PHP-c291a-h  
Surrogate parents: Frequently asked questions PHP-c222  
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication PHP-c154  
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication (Hmong) PHP-c154h  
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication (Spanish) PHP-c154s  
Teens and youngs adults with disabilities: Be your own best advocate PHP-c116  
Telling classmates about your child's disability may foster acceptance PHP-c101 Download Audio
Terms related to statewide assessment PHP-c185  
The Evolution of a Parent: A Gradual Process PHP-c8  
The Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE): Top 10 things for parents to know PHP-c312  
The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines related services PHP-c181  
The Journey: A Parent Comes to Terms with Her Daughter's Disability PHP-c26  
Three important federal laws: Protecting the rights of students with disabilities in public schools PHP-c247  
Tips for talking with your child’s school PHP-c241  
Tips for talking with your child’s school (Hmong) PHP-c241h  
Tips for teachers and school staff from students with mental health and behavioral challenges PHP-c148  
Tips for turning difficult conversations with your child’s IEP team into productive conversations PHP-c315  
Tips for Working with Your Child’s School when Chronic Conditions Cause Absences HIAC-h25  
Tips for Working with Your Child’s School when Chronic Conditions Cause Absences (Hmong) HIAC-h25h  
Tips to support reading and writing for children with significant disabilities PHP-c206  
Tips to support reading and writing: Every child needs a voice PHP-c207  
Tips to support reading and writing: Every writer needs a pencil PHP-c208  
Tips to support relationships with diverse families PHP-c289  
Tips to support shared reading PHP-c213  
Tips When Considering Housing and Services PHP-a57  
Top ten tips: Ideas to improve parent-to-professional communication from PACER parent advocates PHP-c198  
Total Special Education Systems (TSES) and charter schools and Charter Schools PHP-c172  
Transfer students and special education PHP-c163  
Transitioning from ECSE to kindergarten: Tips for parents of children with challenging behaviors PHP-c252  
Transportation for Children with Disabilities in Minnesota PHP-c62  
Transportation for Students with Disabilities in Minnesota (Hmong) PHP-c62h  
Understanding Minnesota special education recovery services and supports PHP-c302  
Understanding Minnesota special education recovery services and supports (Hmong) PHP-c302h  
Understanding Minnesota special education recovery services and supports (Somali) PHP-c302so  
Understanding Minnesota special education recovery services and supports (Spanish) PHP-c302s  
Understanding the early intervention system PHP-c137  
Understanding the Section 504 Evaluation Process: An overview for parents PHP-c202  
Understanding the Special Education Process PHP-c231  
Understanding the Special Education Process (Hmong) PHP-c231h  
Use questions to find answers: A guide for parents of children receiving special education services PHP-c136  
Use questions to find answers: A guide for parents of children receiving special education services (Hmong) PHP-c136h  
What are one-page profiles? An important tool of introduction to create with your young adult PHP-c298a  
What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment and how is it used? An overview for parents PHP-c215a  
What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment and how is it used? An overview for parents (Spanish) PHP-c215a(s)  
When Billy Doesn't Do His Homework PHP-c56  
When Concerns Arise: Deciding to make a referral PHP-c67  
When your child turns three: Moving from an IFSP to an IEP or IIIP PHP-c119 Download Audio
Who is on my child's IEP team? PHP-c203  
Why your child needs you to become an advocate PHP-c226  
Why your child needs you to become an advocate (Hmong) PHP-c226h  
Working together as an effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) team PHP-c254  
Your IEP meeting: A great place to practice self-advocacy skills PHP-c149a  
Your IEP meeting: A great place to practice self-advocacy skills (Hmong) PHP-c149a-h  

* To download the MP3 files, right click on the Download link and select "Save Target As.."
Choose where to save it and click "Save". Then, open the file in desired media player upon completion.

Activity Cards

Family Fun Math Activity Cards
These activity cards help your child develop math skills that are important for learning success. You can do these fun skill-builders at home, in your neighborhood, and on the go! For children in grades K-3. (See Translations pages for Hmong, Spanish, and Somali.) 2015.
square $4 | 10+copies, $2.50 each | 100+ copies, $2 each  | PHP-a46

Family Fun Reading Activity Cards
These activity cards help your child develop literacy skills that are important for reading and learning success. You can do these fun skill-builders at home, in your neighborhood, and on the go! For children in grades K-3. (See Translations pages for Hmong, Spanish, and Somali.) 2012.
square $4 | 10+copies, $2.50 each | 100+ copies, $2 each  | PHP-a43

Information Cards

IEP Meeting Parent Tip Card
Laminated cards with questions to ask during your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting, as well as questions to ask about the IEP process. 2014. (See Translations pages for Hmong, Spanish, and Somali.)
square $0.25 | 100+ copies, $.20 each  | PHP-a45

IEP Meeting Parent Tip Card for Transition Age Students with Disabilities (Ages 14+)
Laminated cards with questions to ask during your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting about the transition planning process. 2018.
square star $0.25 | 100+ copies, $.20 each | AP-47

Parent Information Cards
Laminated 3 x 5-inch cards detailing parent rights and responsibilities in special education as well as topics of discussion for IEP development that parents can bring with them to their child's IEP meetings. 2010. (See translations for Spanish, Hmong, and Somali versions)
square $0.25 | 100+ copies, $.20 each  | PHP-a39


Visit PACER's other sites: Teens Against Bullying | Kids Against Bullying

Translated content: Hmoob/Hmong | Español | Soomaliga/Somali

    ©2023 PACER Center, Inc.