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Items marked squareare FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.

staritems are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.

Please limit requests for free items to 10 or less per order.

Teen looking up at the camera from a wheelchair


PACER provides information, resources, and technical assistance to parents of young adults, 14 through 21, with disabilities and the professionals who work with them on transition related topics, such as; post secondary options, housing, employment, and recreation.

ADA Related Articles | Free to Download

ADA Related Articles
Articles show how the Americans with Disabilities Act affects child care centers, recreation programs, schools, filing complaints, health care providers, post-secondary education and the Rehabilitation Act, employment discrimination, and transition. 1993-1997.
square star $5 for set | PHP-c51-01

ADA + FMLA = Job Protections for Parents
ADA and Transition
Back to School
Child Care Providers
Health Care Providers
How Can I Help My Son or Daughter Get That Job?
How to File a Complaint
Section 504 and Postsecondary Education
The Rehabilitation Act and the ADA Connection

Board Game

Transition Trek Game
An innovative and engaging board game that helps youth and young adults plan for life after high school. Players draw cards with questions related to careers, independent living, and self determination. Six game pieces included. 2010.
$15 | ST-23


Housing: Where Will Our Children Live When They Grow Up?
Parents of youth with disabilities will find that this easy-to-use book answers many questions about future housing choices to make with their child. From housing options to funding to supports and services, there is a wealth of information. Updated 2017.
star $8 | 10+ copies, $6 each  | PHP-a26

Incorporating the Guideposts for Success into Minnesota's Personal Learning Plan Process
This publication provides guidance to Minnesota CareerForce youth development professionals and others on how to integrate the Guideposts for Success framework into the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) model. Developed for Minnesota’s Partners for Youth Disability Employment Initiative (DEI), it demonstrates how to merge the core strategies of DEI youth-focused projects – career pathways, Integrated Resource Teams (IRTs), and the Guideposts – with ILP career planning activities for both in-school and out-of-school youth.
FREE | Online Only  | ST-42

Mapping Dreams: The Transition to Adulthood
What parents can do to help plan for their child’s transition from high school to adult employment, postsecondary education or training, and independent living. Includes talking points to help plan with your child for his or her future and a resource list. Updated 2016.
square star $8 | 10+ copies, $6 each  | ST-40

Minnesota Secondary Transition Toolkit for Families: A Guide to Preparing Your Child with a Disability for Life Beyond High School
This guidebook helps families with easy-to-understand information about why transition planning is important, how it all starts with the transition assessment process, and the rules that schools follow during the transition process. It also includes information about community partners who can support young people with disabilities when they become adults. Topics include healthcare and health maintenance, benefits planning, postsecondary education and accommodations, recreation, social resources, transportation, and housing. 2017. Download only. One copy may be printed from downloaded booklet.
star $9 | ST-41

Possibilities: A Financial Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities
A booklet first published in 2004 by the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) and PACER, has been revamped and expanded in an online format. This guide offers tips and information on organizing financial records, managing money, dealing with debt, preparing income taxes, saving for college, preparing youth for adult employment, and more. Each section includes links to additional resources. 2011
FREE | Online Only  | WEB-1

Information Cards

IEP Meeting Parent Tip Card for Transition Age Students with Disabilities (Ages 14+)
Laminated cards with questions to ask during your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting about the transition planning process. 2018.
square star $0.25 | 100+ copies, $.20 each | AP-47

Record Keeping Folders

Moving From High School to Adulthood: Record Keeping Tracker
This folder is intended to be used as a place for youth to keep track, record, and store necessary documents related to their transition journey. Stuffed inside is a handout titled Moving From High School to Adulthood: Record Keeping Tracker Resources.” (Also available Children’s Mental Health Parent Folder and Special Education Record Keeping Folders)
$2 | PHP-a61a


Getting and Keeping the First Job: Trainer’s Manual and PowerPoint Presentation
The goal of this training is to help families, caregivers, and professionals understand the realities of today’s work world so they can help youth with disabilities earn competitive employment. Participants will learn the importance of disability self-awareness, how families can help youth with career planning, and strategies to navigate resumes, job interviews, and job accommodations. Download only.

Online Only | NPC-41

The Bridge to Work: Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

This training provides answers to common questions PACER receives from parents and advocates related to Social Security Benefits for individuals with disabilities in a way that is understandable to someone unfamiliar with the system. It also highlights federal and state training programs and Social Security Work Incentives that can help transition-age youth reach their educational and work goals while receiving SSI benefits. The curriculum can be used by organizations or individuals offering workshops or trainings to parents of youth with disabilities in middle school or high school. Download only.

Online Only | NPC-BW

Transition Parent Briefs

PACER has partnered with a number of national technical assistance centers to develop content designed to inform youth and families about a range of transition topics, such as postsecondary education, mental health, career development, soft skills, disclosure, diploma options, transition planning and more. View the full list of these collaborative products.

Handouts squareFree to Download pdf icon | $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each

Accommodations categories chart PHP-c126
Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Accounts PHP-c219
American Job Centers: Information for Families of Youth with Disabilities NPC-61
Before your next IEP meeting: Tips for teachers of transition-age students PHP-c306a
Building a Resume: Tips for Youth with Disabilities NPC-23
Bullying and Harassment of Students with Disabilities NPC-3
Chart Your Own Future: How Your Individualized Education Program (IEP) Can Help NPC-43
Choosing a Financial Vehicle for Your Child With Special Health Care Needs HIAC-h40
College or Training Programs: How to Decide NPC-26
Communicating with your student's college under FERPA PHP-c246
Communication with the corrections system: What should parents know? PHP-c150
Community Resources and Partners - Who is Able to Help? NPC-6
Comparing ABLE Accounts, Special Needs Trusts, and Supplemental Needs Trusts HIAC-h41
Day Training and Supported Employment Programs: Information for Parents - Questionnaire Worksheet NPC-46b
Day Training and Supported Employment Programs: Information for Parents of Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities NPC-46a
Documents to Keep for Youth Transitioning to Adult Life NPC-33
Dropout prevention and students with disabilities: The role of service learning PHP-c167
Dropout Prevention and Youth with Disabilities: Strategies for Parents of High School Students NPC-32
Dropout prevention and youth with disabilities: Strategies for parents of middle school students PHP-c139
Dropout Prevention and Youth with Disabilities: The Role of Mentors NPC-30
Dropout Prevention: Parents Play a Key Role NPC-29
Dropout Prevention: Three Ways Parents Can Help Their Youth with a Disability Stay in School NPC-31
Embrace entrepreneurship!: Self-employment for youth and young adults with disabilities PHP-a76
Extracurricular activities and students with disabilities PHP-c195
Finding Housing for Youth with Disabilities Takes Determination and Creativity NPC-37
Frequently asked questions about career exploration for youth with disabilities PHP-c244
Going to College: Tips for Parents of Students with Visual Impairments NPC-38
Going to College: Tips for Students with Visual Impairments NPC-39
Help your Young Adult Learn about Accessing Accommodations after High School NPC-18
High Expectations: A Most Valuable Tool NPC-20
How Can My Child Be Involved in the IEP Process? PHP-c77
How to effectively engage a child who is showing bullying behavior PHP-c109
How You Can Help Your Child Learn to Be a Good Self-Advocate NPC-5
IEP meeting checklist for teachers of transition-age students PHP-c306b
It's your future! Information for eighth and ninth grade students PHP-c236
It's your life! Information for eighth and ninth grade students PHP-c237
It's your right! Age of majority and IDEA PHP-c248
Let's keep our kids in school PHP-c138
Making the Move from Elementary to Middle or Junior High School: Transition Tips for Parents of Students with Disabilities NPC-53
Making the Move to High School: Tips for Parents of Students With Disabilities NPC-24
Minnesota transition: Parent tips for charting a course for the future PHP-c157
Moving from high school to adulthood: Information and documents organization tip sheet PHP-c308
My Action Plan NPC-10
Navigating the Maze of Housing and Services: Advocacy Tips PHP-a52
Navigating the Maze of Housing and Services: Terminology You Need to Know PHP-a53
Notifying the School About a Bullying Incident — Using a Template Letter NPC-1
Online College Programs: Questions to Consider for Students with Disabilities NPC-51
Opportunities for Work While Receiving Social Security Benefits: Work Incentives and the Ticket to Work Program NPC-45
Parent Tips for Transition Planning NPC-34
Placement in Alternative Educational Setting-IDEA 2004 Section 615 (K) PHP-c111
Planning for Success in Postsecondary Education Takes Time and Organization NPC-36
Preparation is Key to Gaining Accommodations on ACT College Entrance Test NPC-4
Prepare Your Child for Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights NPC-19
Promoting High Expectations for Post-School Success by Family Members: A “To Do” List for Professionals NPC-52
Resources to Help Plan for Your Child's Future NPC-59
Safety: It Takes Planning and Education NPC-44
Sample Self-Advocacy Plan NPC-28b
Set a Postsecondary Education or Training Destination and Map a Course to Get There NPC-56
Set an Employment Destination and Map a Course to Get There NPC-13
Set an Independent Living Destination and Map a Course to Get There NPC-57
Skills for Independent Living: Is it “Public” or “Private?” NPC-47c
Skills for Independent Living: Parents Help Build Social Skills NPC-47a
Skills for Independent Living: Personal Care Skills NPC-47b
Start Now to Chart your Youth's Career Path after Graduation NPC-17
Student-to-student tips for success in online college classes PHP-c309
Supplemental Security Income application PHP-a75
Talk to Your Child About Employment: A Checklist for Parents NPC-16
Talk to Your Child About Postsecondary Education or Training: A Checklist for Parents NPC-55
Talk to Your Youth About Independent Living: A Checklist for Parents NPC-35
Teens and youngs adults with disabilities: Be your own best advocate PHP-c116
Ten Tips That May Help Your Child’s Transition to Adulthood NPC-40
Ten tips that may help your child's transition to adulthood PHP-c107
The ADA, Section 504 & Postsecondary Education NPC-42
The Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Bullying NPC-2
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Appeals Process NPC-27
The Supplemental Security Income Application Process PHP-c317
The Supplemental Security Income Application Process (Hmong) PHP-c317h
The Transition to Employment: What Parents Can Do Now NPC-12
The Transition to Independent Living: What Parents Can Do Now NPC-58
Thoughts for Professionals on Increasing Family Involvement in Planning, Developing and Monitoring Supported Employment PHP-c13
Three Steps to a Career Pathway: Tips for Parents NPC-63
Tips for College Students with Visual Impairments: Questions to Ask about Disability Services NPC-60
Tips to Maximize the Parent Role in Transition NPC-11
Tips When Considering Housing and Services PHP-a57
Transition Health Plan for Youth with Disabilities and Their Families NPC-54
Transition Planning for Young Adults with Disabilities: A Guide to Help Families Play a Supportive Role PHP-a62
Transition planning takes time PHP-c314
Transition planning tips for linguistically and culturally diverse youth with disabilities PHP-c250
Transition to Adulthood: Where Do We Start NPC-22
Transition to Adulthood: Who Plans and Why NPC-21
Transition to Postsecondary Education or Training: What Parents Can Do Now NPC-15
Transition: Charting a Course for the Future NPC-7
Understanding volunteering PHP-c243
Visiting college and university campuses PHP-c233
What are one-page profiles? An important tool of introduction to create with your young adult PHP-c298a
What are Postsecondary Educational Programs? NPC-49
What do Parent Center Transition Specialists Need to Know? NPC-8
What if My Child is Not Capable of Representing Him or Herself? Guardianship May be Needed NPC-14
What Is a WorkForce Center? Information for Minnesota families of youth with disabilities PHP-c257
What probation officers need to know about school discipline and special education when students have academic and behavioral disorders PHP-c161
What youth need to know if they are questioned by police: Tips for parents to prepare their youth with a disability PHP-c171
Your IEP Meeting: A Great Place to Practice Self-Advocacy Skills NPC-28a

Visit PACER's other sites: Teens Against Bullying | Kids Against Bullying

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