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Items marked squareare FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.

staritems are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.

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Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and Children's Mental Health Issues


Educating Your Child with Mental Health, Emotional, or Behavioral Disorders: Information for Parents
This concise guide will help parents of children with mental health, emotional, or behavioral disorders participate effectively in special education planning. Each chapter includes a set of questions to consider when thinking about developing the Individualized Education Program (IEP), including school discipline policies, placement options, and behavioral and emotional support needs. Updated 2018.
square $5 | 10+ copies, $4 each  | PHP-a21

Information Cards

Tip Card: Help your child develop healthy, positive skills
Laminated card with ideas for parents on how to help their child develop strong social and emotional skills, including conversation starters. 2016.
$0.25 | 100+ copies, $.20 each | PHP-a47

Record Keeping Folders

Children’s Mental Health Parent Folder
A folder with information for parents on what records, reports, and e-mail communication from the school and mental health provider(s) to keep. A communication log is also provided. 2015. (Also available Moving From High School to Adulthood: Record Keeping Tracker and Special Education Record Keeping Folders)
$2.00 each | MPC-6cmh

Handouts squareFree to Download pdf icon | $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each

Publication Name Publication Code
Accessing County Children's Mental Health Services for Your Child PHP-c84
Accessing County Children's Mental Health Services For Your Child (Hmong) PHP-c84h
Accessing County Children's Mental Health Services For Your Child (Somali) PHP-c84so
Accessing County Children's Mental Health Services For Your Child (Spanish) PHP-c84s
Children’s mental health: Tips for getting help and what you can do while you wait PHP-c313
Communication with the corrections system: What should parents know? PHP-c150
Crisis management plan: Support at home for children and youth with mental health needs PHP-c225
Crisis management plan: Support at home for children and youth with mental health needs (Hmong) PHP-c225h
Crisis management plan: Support at home for children and youth with mental health needs (Somali) PHP-c225so
Crisis management plan: Support at home for children and youth with mental health needs (Spanish) PHP-c225s
Encourage your child's positive behavior and school success PHP-c218a
Encourage your child's positive behavior and school success (Hmong) PHP-c218a-h
Encourage your child's positive behavior and school success (Somali) PHP-c218a-so
Encourage your child's positive behavior and school success (Spanish) PHP-c218a-s
Examples of positive behavioral intervention (PBI) strategies PHP-c215b
Examples of positive behavioral intervention (PBI) strategies (Hmong) PHP-c215b-h
Examples of positive behavioral intervention (PBI) strategies (Spanish) PHP-c215b(s)
Manifestation determination meeting: Special education students PHP-c285
Manifestation determination meeting: Special education students (Hmong) PHP-c285h
Manifestation determination meeting: Special education students (Spanish) PHP-c285s
Manifestation determination meeting: Students with 504 plans PHP-c286
Manifestation determination meeting: Students with 504 plans (Hmong) PHP-c286h
Manifestation determination meeting: Students with 504 plans (Spanish) PHP-c286s
Mental health and school avoidance: Tips to developing an educational plan for your child PHP-c269b
Mental health and school avoidance: Tips to developing an educational plan for your child (Hmong) PHP-c269b-h
Mental health and school avoidance: Tips to developing an educational plan for your child (Spanish) PHP-c269b-s
Mental health and school avoidance: What parents need to know PHP-c269a
Mental health and school avoidance: What parents need to know (Hmong) PHP-c269a-h
Mental health and school avoidance: What parents need to know (Somali) PHP-c269a-so
Mental health and school avoidance: What parents need to know (Spanish) PHP-c269a-s
Mental health and special education evaluation PHP-c287
Mental health and special education evaluation (Hmong) PHP-c287h
Mental health and special education evaluation (Spanish) PHP-c287s
Overview of mental health care and treatment options for children and youth PHP-c284a
Overview of mental health care and treatment options for children and youth (Hmong) PHP-c284a-h
Planning for a meeting about your child's behavior needs PHP-c144
Planning for a meeting about your child's behavior needs (Hmong) PHP-c144h
Planning for a meeting about your child's behavior needs (Spanish) PHP-c144s
Planning for your child's discharge from a mental health treatment program: Home checklist PHP-c284b
Planning for your child's discharge from a mental health treatment program: School checklist PHP-c284c
Residential programs for children: What parents should consider PHP-c85a
Residential treatment programs: Choosing the right one for your child PHP-c85b
Restrictive procedures in special education: Children with behavioral and emotional needs PHP-c304
Restrictive procedures in special education: Children with behavioral and emotional needs (Hmong) PHP-c304h
Restrictive procedures in special education: Children with behavioral and emotional needs (Spanish) PHP-c304s
Sample PBIS home plan PHP-c218b
Sample PBIS home plan (Hmong) PHP-c218b-h
Sample PBIS home plan (Spanish) PHP-c218b-s
Sample self-advocacy plan PHP-c149b
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent checklist PHP-c177b
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent checklist (Hmong) PHP-c177b-h
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent's guide PHP-c177a
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent's guide (Hmong) PHP-c177a-h
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Crisis plans PHP-c291b
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Crisis plans (Hmong) PHP-c291b-h
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Positive behavioral intervention plans PHP-c291a
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Positive behavioral intervention plans (Hmong) PHP-c291a-h
Supporting mental health and wellness in school PHP-c305
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication PHP-c154
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication (Hmong) PHP-c154h
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication (Spanish) PHP-c154s
Ten tips that may help your child's transition to adulthood PHP-c107
Tips for emerging family leaders PHP-c276
Tips for military families: Helping your children adjust to a parent with combat-related trauma PHP-c238
Tips for military families: Supporting your child with mental health needs PHP-c239
Tips for talking to youth who are under stress PHP-c234
Tips for teachers and school staff from students with mental health and behavioral challenges PHP-c148
Transition to adulthood for youth with challenging behaviors: Transition planning tips for parents PHP-c235
Transition to adulthood for youth with challenging behaviors: Transition planning tips for parents (Hmong) PHP-c235h
Transition to adulthood for youth with challenging behaviors: Transition planning tips for parents (Spanish) PHP-c235s
Transitioning from ECSE to kindergarten: Tips for parents of children with challenging behaviors PHP-c252
What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment and how is it used? An overview for parents PHP-c215a
What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment and how is it used? An overview for parents (Hmong) PHP-c215a-h
What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment and how is it used? An overview for parents (Spanish) PHP-c215a(s)
What probation officers need to know about school discipline and special education when students have academic and behavioral disorders PHP-c161
What youth need to know if they are questioned by police: Tips for parents to prepare their youth with a disability PHP-c171
Your IEP meeting: A great place to practice self-advocacy skills PHP-c149a
Your IEP meeting: A great place to practice self-advocacy skills (Hmong) PHP-c149a-h
Youth Advisory Board toolkit PHP-c245
Youth tips for parents: How to talk to your teenager about their mental health PHP-c216
Youth tips for parents: How to talk to your teenager about their mental health (Hmong) PHP-c216h
Youth tips for parents: How to talk to your teenager about their mental health (Spanish) PHP-c216s

Visit PACER's other sites: Teens Against Bullying | Kids Against Bullying

Translated content: Hmoob/Hmong | Español | Soomaliga/Somali

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